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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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il y a 26 minutes, Ash1 a dit :

05h46. Caméra 1.

I just watched in replay the fall of Helen, she could have done herself very badly, I think her ribs will be painful tomorrow violent shock I thought to see a comic scene and well is not really funny.

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53 minutes ago, Noldus said:

you have to check your source again Harley. you are not on the wrong planet, but wrong Universe 

You doubt that some the girls works in a night club???? 

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1 minute ago, martyen said:

I just watched in replay the fall of Helen, she could have done herself very badly, I think her ribs will be painful tomorrow violent shock I thought to see a comic scene and well is not really funny.

that fall wasn't funny and she could of been hurt bad 

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il y a 5 minutes, bud2966 a dit :

cette chute était pas drôle et elle pourrait d'été blessé mauvais 

You're right I suppose she will repeat a show for Regina's birthday or for the church, hope that the parish priest will be indulgent.

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