I am done with these forums, but the two people that work 24/7 to read them for me, and send me hourly detailed reports with accurate word by word verbatims plus captures of all the posts, reported to me than there was a bit of disinformation on the forums about Nicole sex session today.
But I am not reading them. I do not even have an account anymore, I am using one of my friends to post this. Hell I don't even care about CC anymore.
Thanks Harley! I strive to always have a great day. You sound a if you're a country preacher, hurling fire & brimstone at the big bad machine (RLC) . I understand it's your choice not to subscribe but it's my choice to subscribe, so cease and desist with calling me and others idiots for enjoying it. PLEASE!!!! It's our money.
Try to have a great day as well! It beats the hell out of choosing to have a lousy one....
Don't bother, Rosey. He's been raving and ranting for years. He doesn't appear to be able to help himself, coming back here and complaining about something he's not watching. He wants to hurt RLC but even someone with half a brain would have realised by now it's not having any effect, but he's stuck in a loop. Ignoring him would be my recommendation, although he does provide some comic relief in that he thinks people are laughing with him, when it's really another preposition.
I am done with these forums, but the two people that work 24/7 to read them for me, and send me hourly detailed reports with accurate word by word verbatims plus captures of all the posts, reported to me than there was a bit of disinformation on the forums about Nicole sex session today.
But I am not reading them. I do not even have an account anymore, I am using one of my friends to post this. Hell I don't even care about CC anymore.
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That's the biggest lie used by guys who want to feel good about themselves verbally abusing women all while hiding behind a computer.
I am done with these forums, but the two people that work 24/7 to read them for me, and send me hourly detailed reports with accurate word by word verbatims plus captures of all the posts, reported to me than there was a bit of disinformation on the forums about Nicole sex session today.
But I am not reading them. I do not even have an account anymore, I am using one of my friends to post this. Hell I don't even care about CC anymore.
Don't bother, Rosey. He's been raving and ranting for years. He doesn't appear to be able to help himself, coming back here and complaining about something he's not watching. He wants to hurt RLC but even someone with half a brain would have realised by now it's not having any effect, but he's stuck in a loop. Ignoring him would be my recommendation, although he does provide some comic relief in that he thinks people are laughing with him, when it's really another preposition.