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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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il y a 27 minutes, phantomcapsnet a dit :

ok, mais pourquoi at-elle fait une tente? Pendant le massage il n'y avait absolument pas de couverture

I may have an answer to your question at 10:49 Sofie asks the guy to show her how he masturbates or the best way for her to masturbate the guy. And I think after the bathroom scene and the Sofie show, for a while they were hidden I think that at that time Sofie masturbated the guy but they were interrupted by Anna. They returned to the room to continue the exercise but under the tent. It is clear that the guy holds the tent and Sofie's hand make explicit moves. I think I'm not far from the truth

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1 minute ago, martyen said:

I may have an answer to your question at 10:49 Sofie asks the guy to show her how he masturbates or the best way for her to masturbate the guy. And I think after the bathroom scene and the Sofie show, for a while they were hidden I think that at that time Sofie masturbated the guy but they were interrupted by Anna. They returned to the room to continue the exercise but under the tent. It is clear that the guy holds the tent and Sofie's hand make explicit moves. I think I'm not far from the truth

Good theory

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10 minutes ago, martyen said:

I may have an answer to your question at 10:49 Sofie asks the guy to show her how he masturbates or the best way for her to masturbate the guy. And I think after the bathroom scene and the Sofie show, for a while they were hidden I think that at that time Sofie masturbated the guy but they were interrupted by Anna. They returned to the room to continue the exercise but under the tent. It is clear that the guy holds the tent and Sofie's hand make explicit moves. I think I'm not far from the truth

It's sounds more believable than Anna wiping cocaine off her nose...:dodgy:

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It's a disgrace that everything goes under the curtain.
Please, as I do now, to write a protest email to rlc.
It is true that nothing is required x girls but RLC sells real live life.
And I do not think it's okay to sell to voyeur like us undercover masturbation !!!!
We change the name to the site

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Just now, Mikelima1970 said:

E 'una vergogna che tutto va sotto la tenda.
Si prega, come faccio ora, a scrivere un e-mail di protesta al RLC.
E 'vero che nulla è richiesto x ragazze, ma RLC cede vivere la vita.
E non penso che va bene a vendere a voyeur come noi la masturbazione sotto copertura !!!!
Cambiamo il nome al sito

and all girls with dress and without high heels.....

very bad

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5 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

It's a disgrace that everything goes under the curtain.
Please, as I do now, to write a protest email to rlc.
It is true that nothing is required x girls but RLC sells real live life.
And I do not think it's okay to sell to voyeur like us undercover masturbation !!!!
We change the name to the site

How many times have you actually written to RLC and complained about this?

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1 minute ago, turkey said:

There most be a room or some place where they let the suitcases, I think .:lightbulb:

Not based on the floor plan. Even rooms without cameras still show up on floor plan in other apts. Pretty sure they store them in their closets.

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6 hours ago, iogres said:

How strange we not hear much of defenders  of those girls when we have the proof in pictures what these girls and when they show their true personality in the apartment it's hard to deny the facts :angel:

Defending what ? I have an issue with people saying, or implying that the girls work as escort or prostitutes, and yes, I will defend them to that extent. What I saw was singe young girls getting back from a party with hot dudes and having sex (or not quite ::)). These kind of things do happen, and it is not really a big deal. If you saw an explicit money transaction, please give the time and camera. If not, it's the girls frigging right to have a one night stand.

As for the UM, I am pissed off by RLC, and yes, I sent them a mail asking for explanation and compensation. My speculation of what happened during UM is : pre-party at B2 with B1 girls, with a few drinks, clubbing, then B1 and B2 went back in their respective apartments, with B2 bringing guests. I don't think we missed much (speculation). As for the cause of the outage, I 'd use Hanlon's razor : "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". I think the girls messed up with the electrical installation when trying to recover from the power outages, putting the cams on emergency power, and by  a sum of incompetence and neglect on the part of RLC, the problem lasted longer than it should have been.

But malice or incempetence, RLC has better give us an explanation and adequate compensation.

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3 minutes ago, Peanut_Brotha said:

Not based on the floor plan. Even rooms without cameras still show up on floor plan in other apts. Pretty sure they store them in their closets.

Wen the doorbell rings , they opens the door AND go further ,probably to open the secur-door on the stairway or elevator .

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