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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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5 hours ago, Thestarider said:

Well this has been realy interesting read, seems like as always we get quite sidetracked after the girls have a fun night getting wasted, and this time in house and still nothing but complaints. beat the shit out of me what will make these blue ballers happy Foamy.

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:  I was just like them until I got married at 29. Partied all night til the sun comes was our motto, along with ONWARD through the FOG !!!!! SEX, DRUGS, and ROCK and ROLL !!! I for one appreciated the girls having a good time, reminded me of the good ole' days :biggrin:

Did you actually work at 29 before you got married?  These girls are nothing like you Thes!  First of all, they don't work, secondly.....they have pulled the wool over your eye's and everybody else's.  Them.........unlike you at 29, only have to worry about where their next good dicking is coming from.  I'm to old to remember when I was 29.  I had a family and a steady job that I would never jeopardize just to go out partying.  Did I go out partying?   Well, yes I did, but I always had my night in check!!  These girls don't even know what that means.  A party to them is having a hairy assed dude building them up to a level they can't possibly achieve just to get a piece of ass!!

I know you said you were just like them before you got married but in reality, you were nothing like them.  You have a good head on your shoulders and unless your job was a piece of shit....you didn't party like them at all.  Number 1, for these girls to do what they do day in and day out, drugs are heavily involved.  I'm not saying that you didn't do drugs, I'm just saying that these girls could walk circle's around you in that environment!!  Number 2, they have bigger....much bigger balls than you do :)

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1 hour ago, spider51 said:

Lets see how this played out.

Girls: Hey RLC we want to have an all girl party where sex is involved.

RLC: That's great the viewers will love it and subscriptions will skyrocket. Only thing is we don't have a script for that. We will get something scripted and get back to you.

Girls: That's the problem we want you to shut down all the cams.

RLC: But that's how we make our money. How about we just get you girls a luxury hotel suite. It would be cheaper for us in the long run.

Girls: Yeah but we really don't feel like going out tonight. Plus you could really piss off that HarleyFatBoy.

RLC: Ok girls, we won't worry about loosing all those subscriptions and all that money. We will tell the building manager to screw up the electricity so we have an excuse. Our subscribers are all pretty stupid. Hell most of them still think we put a man on the moon.

Girls: You mean we didn't go to the moon?

RLC: Oops, forget that last part. You girls have fun and let us know when too start our evil plot.

Thank you for finally opening my eyes. I can't believe I have been such a chump.Well I'm off to the bar. Hopefully I can find a beautiful and sexy women like Sofie  to enjoy my night with. If I do, I certainly will not think or call her a whore.

After all the time you had to come up with something to dispute what I said......you came up with this?  I hope you drink yourself into oblivion!!  Very sad Spider, but good luck on finding you some drunk girl to make you feel like your worth something!


1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

She's Pissed about something.  Must be her Period.   :biggrin:

She's pissed because she is fake as shit!!!

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