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1 hour ago, ze81 said:

Imagine you got two warning points in one month Amy,all prior to me saying I can't say things.I just sayed what i tought and was severe punished by that.If I was very rude,called bad names etc I would acept the warnings etc ok,now look to all my posts(negatives or not I have(should)have te right to do it and see if there is reasons to TWO warnings point(one being permanently)put yourself in my skin and think.But thank for the support Amy,this community as been always very open and interesting would hate to see that limited.

Ze81, I've read your post on this thread & you haven't said or done anything wrong.


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I’m asking only one thing after all this situation here, what’s going on with VH? Why they stop to write with us inside the topic especially in the discussion general and now we can’t express ourselves, leaving the bad things happen without say nothing? Did CC decide to cut VH too? I’ve always took respect to this forum  admins, rules, ecc, but now I really don’t understand what’s going on... 

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2 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

I think you take things a lil too serious here, Of course you can say this house is complete nonsense thats why it will close tmrw :biggrin:

Have two warning points(go ready my posts to see if deserved)and recieve an msg with another "advice"to stop it..if you think I am taking things to seriously then it's up to you jabba,wish I could smile but nothing to smile when I can't post freely as I should.

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