Johnny 5 Posted December 4, 2017 Posted December 4, 2017 I mean he's defenitiley the definition of a fuckboy, and at first I thought that he had a low sexdrive, but then I remembered that he sometimes fuck her like 6 times in a day, so he's probably just jaded and taking it for granted He's not very good at it but that's another problem, I'm not complaining cause it's hotter when she takes care of it herself
jetlag Posted December 5, 2017 Posted December 5, 2017 They're young, have sex ALL the time, and basically have a BLAST!! Don't over think it.
guettysburg Posted December 5, 2017 Posted December 5, 2017 KITTY est magnifique.......hier elle m'a rendu fou jusqu'a la fin 1
Chris b Posted December 6, 2017 Posted December 6, 2017 I know people are going to think im nuts for saying this but. Kittys boobs look shocking there to big thy just look hard and fake. to squeeze them would be like squeezing a hard plastic bottle. i know some ladies want them and some look ok but kittys just look so fake and hard YUK i think i would I would prefer my natural soft ones Boobs. they just look yuk 5
Johnny 5 Posted December 6, 2017 Posted December 6, 2017 Are you one of those weirdos that for some reason poses as a homosexual female? don't act like squeezing a plastic bottle isn't the best feeling in your sad life Her boobs turned out best case scenario, and might even get better as they settle and her skin adjust to them There are alot of girls who have natural boobs allmost just like this, nothing shocking or yuk about it, but you keep squeezing your soft manboobs sir. You are spending alot of money and taking a huge risk with a boob job, and Kitty can consider herself lucky and proud of hers I even think the "shocking hard fake looking boobs" can be hot because it says "Hi I like being a girl and I want to make your cock hard and be your ultimate fucktoy cumslave dream, please cum on my boobs" and that's allmost impossible to find in this age of third wave feminism, glamourized lesbianity gender confusion and man bashing in all media that will eventually turn most women away from men and into cold man hating masculine monsters that don't care for or need men at all, I allready see that happening on RLC and the news every day. So we guys need to be thankful for the Kitty's that are left in the world. But if you really are a girl with allmost no testosterone and no deeply ingrained biological reason to get arroused by big boobs than I understand that you might refer to boobs that are not small and soft as yucky. 1
Chris b Posted December 6, 2017 Posted December 6, 2017 I am a guy .... i am not a girl .... as i said some will disagree and some boob jobs are done well ! but some are just shocking and look so fake. some off the ladies shown here already had reasonable size breasts before they have the implants but kittys are just to big to fast there like big pointers that will poke your eyes out.. needs to get a new tattoo warning people of the danger of eye injury. thy look a lot like shemale ladyboy boobs. because kittys boobs where so small to start will ( that's why she hardly almost never took her bra off ) it would have looked better not going so big i can I can honestly say they would be hard as a rock to sqeeze it doesn't take anyone with any sense to see they don't look natural they just look fake she could jump up and down on the spot and those boobs would not move in any way they're rock hard. what i am saying is she should had gone 2 sierze smaller...... all i am saying is she went to big for her size body and she had very small tones to start with, her new boobs look so fake its like seeing a thai ladyboy. here are 2 photos of breast augmentation (breast implants) where they look kind of nateral they have not gone over the top in size and look good.... that all i am saying i am not saying breast augmentation (breast implants is bad i am saying kittys look shocking she tryed going to big for her size 1
Johnny 5 Posted December 6, 2017 Posted December 6, 2017 LOL, I have very little experience with thai ladyboys so that's not what I think off I allready described how I think off it so let's just agree to disagree 1
darkpyker Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 1 hour ago, Johnny 5 said: Could someone mab me or re-up the last three links?? Or some other bate vids of her, I will send you some of my own videos that have never been uploaded anywhere that's Kitty in my profile pic btw, DAMN! What vids you got pm me😁
Chicago515 Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 Does anyone else enjoy watching Kitty dance? She can teach those Girls on Vacation, especially Lia and Mia, a few moves. 1
phantomcapsnet Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 Great bate but the light is so bad at Kitty's Kitty should have a better light when she bates 1
Johnny 5 Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 10 hours ago, phantomcapsnet said: Great bate but the light is so bad at Kitty's Kitty should have a better light when she bates Daytime light is usually good, and no lights so the nightvision turns on is the best, but evenings there's just enough light so the ir doesn't turn on and it's hard to see the good stuff. Did she get up and bate in the middle of the night when you wrote? I missed it!
rebliz Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 On 06/12/2017 at 11:42 PM, Chris b said: I am a guy .... i am not a girl .... as i said some will disagree and some boob jobs are done well ! but some are just shocking and look so fake. some off the ladies shown here already had reasonable size breasts before they have the implants but kittys are just to big to fast there like big pointers that will poke your eyes out.. needs to get a new tattoo warning people of the danger of eye injury. thy look a lot like shemale ladyboy boobs. because kittys boobs where so small to start will ( that's why she hardly almost never took her bra off ) it would have looked better not going so big i can I can honestly say they would be hard as a rock to sqeeze it doesn't take anyone with any sense to see they don't look natural they just look fake she could jump up and down on the spot and those boobs would not move in any way they're rock hard. what i am saying is she should had gone 2 sierze smaller...... all i am saying is she went to big for her size body and she had very small tones to start with, her new boobs look so fake its like seeing a thai ladyboy. here are 2 photos of breast augmentation (breast implants) where they look kind of nateral they have not gone over the top in size and look good.... that all i am saying i am not saying breast augmentation (breast implants is bad i am saying kittys look shocking she tryed going to big for her size I am Absolut agree with you but just remember and understand the women state of mind that make them real woman it's a psychological issue In my eyes she is ugly in some ways even disgusting women in all parameter (exclude her face she is Quite handsome)
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