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Nina & Kira ~ Chat Comments and Quotes Aug. 2017 to December 2017

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Pour Laurent 1535

 Bonjour, ca va?

 ah oui je suis allé à nantes quelques fois.

J'ai un peu de terre en dehors de Toulouse pour construire une petite maison quelque temps.

Je parle un peu français, mais pas très bien, il est difficile pour moi de penser en français.

Peut-être que dans l'avenir, je vais aller mieux.

Translated by Google translate, but it looks correct.  So if in doubt write also in French and i will do my best to understand. a bientot


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So!  Parrrty tiiime!  Er Not.  Just a couple of the girls round so far, eating Sushi.  I can't remember seeing the girl in the gloves before, it's not a cool look.

As for the PS4.  OMG! when is she going to find the time to pee.  Between the phone and I-pad and occasionally the laptop, jumping from one to the other 24/7 and now the console.  It was bad enough before...

Poor Kira is not going to get a look-in.  The one saving grace is that maybe, just maybe they get to play on the PS4 together, but somehow I doubt it.  Also the fun of that will soon wear off, and Nina will be playing on her own leaving Kira out in the cold.

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il y a 7 minutes, StnCld316 a dit :

The PS4.  Lev's Spirit lives on.     :biggrin:

Ha ha ha :biggrin: Love it, love it, love it.  Which leaves Kira a playstation widow, lots of those in this world, so she's in good company.

The girl is going to have to find herself a serious hobby or she'll go insane. 

Though if Nina is playing games all the time it leaves Kira more free time to do more housework, sorry am I being cynical here, or just realistic.  I have never yet seen a playstation brought into a household that has brought joy.  Usually it's bitching all the time about either hogging it, or not paying attention to anything else.  Living alone, then OK but with a partner, not so.

I think we are now looking at 4 weeks tops, before it all ends in tears.

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il y a 3 minutes, Foamy T. Squirrel a dit :

Maybe she should take up a game like Chess.

(That's a joke, son. A bit of an inside joke, but a joke nonetheless.)

Well if she'd like to play chess by e-mail, then I'm game.

The "party" is breaking up early, I expected more to arrive to be honest, no just the one guest has left.  Oh Oh!  Looks like they are breaking out the new game, could not decipher it before, it's just #5 in the line.  Anyone any ideas.  I think it's more harmless than the Eroquest they played.  No Nina has her hands on the console now.  game over.

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il y a 42 minutes, Foamy T. Squirrel a dit :

Maybe she should take up a game like Chess.

(That's a joke, son. A bit of an inside joke, but a joke nonetheless.)

Kira is a very good chess player, I doubt she finds a partner at her height among her entourage ... and it's not a joke! :cool:

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3 hours ago, le5b05 said:

Pour Laurent 1535

 Bonjour, ca va?

 ah oui je suis allé à nantes quelques fois.

J'ai un peu de terre en dehors de Toulouse pour construire une petite maison quelque temps.

Je parle un peu français, mais pas très bien, il est difficile pour moi de penser en français.

Peut-être que dans l'avenir, je vais aller mieux.

Translated by Google translate, but it looks correct.  So if in doubt write also in French and i will do my best to understand. a bientot


Pour le5b05.

Bonjsoir. Je viens de lire ton message, en Français, très bien.

Moi, j'habite Nantes dans un appartement.

Je parle et sais lire un peu l'Anglais, et aussi écrire mais c'est mieux que je l'ecrive ici aussi en Anglais.

A bientôt.

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Il y a 2 heures, jouandomy a dit :

Kira is a very good chess player, I doubt she finds a partner at her height among her entourage ... and it's not a joke! :cool:

Well that blows me out of the water then.  I can play of course but not to a good enough standard perhaps.  I had heard she could play chess, but obviously I've never seen this. 

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