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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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il y a 1 minute, phantomcapsnet a dit :

Carina et Sabrina étaient Italiens et ther appartement était en Espagne ::)

thank you phantom I forgot this example probably because I thought more of an apartment in the spirit of Barcelona (apartment with girls short stay)

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13 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Estoy tan cansado de Lola y sus máscaras ...

That's not just Lola's attitude, many girls have learned the same thing. And she knows that I am a fan of Lola, but I firmly believe that RLC, should not consent to her return, like other participants, to the houses of Barcelona. If they want to pay for a second vacation, or want to have other jobs outside the house, a very tender thing, what they had to do is for these agencies to keep them.
Never RLC customers.

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Paying to see, for quite some time, is not the interesting thing in Barcelona. What's more, I read, every day is a little worse. So, with that expectation, not only with your comments, but with that of many other people, RLC, you think people will pay again to enter those houses?

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il y a 1 minute, phantomcapsnet a dit :

B2 ne diffère pas. Il n'y a pas plus B2.:cry:

sorry to use your avatar name, but B2 is a phantom apartment with some furtive apparitions . Hope is in the new girls coming but when? and that? ..:sad:..:dodgy:

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