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Violet & Jeff Part #1

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Just now, Amy3 said:

They got into a big fight.

when ? did you know  the reason why they fight ?  may be  that normal,there are still young, and some times the young couple need some Tensions to back in love again with high heat level love..

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19 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

That middle finger sure is a universal gesture.

It's at least 2500 years old. Aristophanes wrote about this gesture in his play
"The Clouds", which first played in 423 BC, where none other than Socrates was
presented the middle finger by Strepsiades. And even then it was considered a
rude and indecent gesture, mimicking the penis and testicles.

The gesture communicates moderate to extreme contempt and is roughly
equivalent in meaning to "fuck off," "fuck you," "shove it up your ass," "up yours,"
or "go fuck yourself."

The word "fuck" is of Germanic origin (way to go, Jabba! :biggrin:), related to Dutch,
German, and Swedish words for “to strike” and “to move back and forth.”

Probably more than you wanted to know, but now you know. :biggrin:

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