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Misty Part #2

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

If she was out there playing frogger everyday, I'd say yes you should be worried. Wouldn't most people think there was something wrong with you if you didn't care about her being in the street playing frogger all the time? Even worse so, if you were cheering her on every time she survived another run? I'm the one over her yelling, "Hey, it's dangerous to play frogger in the street!" I'm sorry, who is the sick one here?

Oh, I'm good! šŸ˜Š

Lol playing frogger totally brings up memoriesĀ :biggrin:

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10 minutes ago, PENSIVE BLUEYES said:

Do you think she has sleep apnea?Ā  Or TMJ?Ā  Perhaps she is THE ONE who swallows the 9 spiders a year in their sleep?Ā  I know she swallows 9 loads a week, awake, but...... nah, no buts, get you some of those nose spreader thingies and breathe better.

Yes groomy mentioned she has sleep apnea

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