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Anna & Alex, Bree & Drew - Part 2

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9 minutes ago, thedbear said:

The best thing is that it was precisely him, allied to Alex who gave start to everything.
Then this 'vassal' has freedom for fun together with queen, authorized by the king himself.::)


Now more and I never have strong hopes and I wish that Anna , herself go to Anastasia herself to organize and order at that hen party.

Take Bree, Misty and Lisa along.
And do not forget Terry too.
If George can, why she's not ?


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2 minutes ago, thedbear said:


Agora, mais e nunca tenho esperanças fortes e desejo que Anna, ela mesmo, vá até a própria Anastasia para organizar e ordenar naquela festa de galinha.

Pegue Bree, Misty e Lisa junto.
E não se esqueça de Terry também.
Se George pode, por que ela não é?


And Mira. Damn, how could I just forget about her? Terry's direct rival

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