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Mira & Henry Part #1 of 3

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3 hours ago, Mira&Henry said:

Hey. yesterday I started my period and my stomach began to live a separate life from me. I really wanted to stay with Betty and Rick, but I went to bed. When Henry is not around, I have terrible dreams. Today it was post-apocalypse and mutant rats. I also had a dream where I called my mother, but she did not come. so I could only sing songs and listen to music.I am never lonely and sad alone. And if I know that Henry is with Betty - then he is exactly in safe hands. Betty is a cool little girl. She will still show herself to you in all its glory.
In vain do you think that I do not like Rick. He's a great guy, but in terms of sex - it's not my partner, that's all.
Yesterday I was not drunk.if you look closely, I drank only water and ate a chocolate bar with nuts.
tell me, how are you Betty and Rick?
have a good day)) ** I love you:angel:::)

You need to call them :biggrin:



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2 hours ago, Mira&Henry said:

I want to ask you not to quarrel, expressing your opinion. Do not insult people. it spoils both you and us karma.
Yes, the forum for that and was created to discuss and share opinions. and this does not mean that you should write only good reviews - this is also not correct. just do not insult each other. we are all human beings and we have the right to make mistakes.

I do not know if this is Mira or Henry speaking, but I would say you are a very
old soul. My favorite lines from that wonderful poem.

"But you, yourself, must not distinguish
Defeats and victories amassed."

Thank you for that.

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