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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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On the other hand, and I know it is not the subject of this thread, but they passed me information, which I do not know if it is real, that one of the girls from the new Russian house, is a singer in a club, someone knows if that is Right?


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5 minutes ago, costa049 said:

Ni las otras chicas que generalmente beben más en los shows vomitan así que no creo que lo harán

It is not the first time, that we see a girl getting very drunk, even vomiting, or losing consciousness after a party.
They are not made of iron, they are ordinary women.

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there needs to be more grabbing the tits and butts between these girls in all three apartments.   we are use to seeing Irma, Jessie and Stella grabbing bootie and tits.

WE WANT MORE FROM RLC!!!!!!!! for our MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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24 minutes ago, vortios said:

It is not the first time, that we see a girl getting very drunk, even vomiting, or losing consciousness after a party.
They are not made of iron, they are ordinary women.

In that you are absolutely right. They are crazy and ordinary, if not (Derogatory). But they are still ashamed of doing too much in front of the cams, ecause of course they have potencial and can do more...

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2 minutes ago, odpegleg said:

es necesario que haya más agarrando las tetas y las colillas entre estas chicas en los tres apartamentos. estamos acostumbrados a ver a Irma, Jessie y Stella agarrando bootie y tetas.

¡QUEREMOS MÁS DE RLC !!!!!!!! por nuestro DINERO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is almost a lost war ... many of us have asked for active and passive, but RLC, has assessed what it does, and will not do more.

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9 minutes ago, costa049 said:

En eso tienes toda la razón. Son locos y ordinarios, si no (Derogatory). Pero todavía tienen miedo de hacer demasiado frente a las cámaras ...

I would not put those adjectives in the girls. That, maybe just show what RLC is. The girls do what is planned. Entertain.
The most committed shows, you can count on the fingers of one hand, especially the girl-girl plan, as you see is not usual, although it has always been the most commented, seen, and I dare say, what quoted.

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3 minutes ago, vortios said:

I would not put those adjectives in the girls. That, maybe just show what RLC is. The girls do what is planned. Entertain.
The most committed shows, you can count on the fingers of one hand, especially the girl-girl plan, as you see is not usual, although it has always been the most commented, seen, and I dare say, what quoted.

But shoulden't this be real life? Of course they are here to entertain us, and we like it, but RLC is a real life voyeur project right?

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