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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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44 minutes ago, odpegleg said:

neia and renata would be a great couple because they dont hold back.   neia dont go all out with Bea because of friendship

I haven't been watching now, but from what I have seen, Bea seems more open than Neia

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On 11/21/2017 at 7:55 PM, vahid said:

renata and victoria kiss

(Video Content No Longer Available)


How did you manage to get my video...I don't remember sending it to you....The least you could have done is kept it for yourself or posted it on the premium forum and not get me banned....I have been told by RLC to delete all  links  relating to the video so Im suggesting you delete this asap or else you deal with them yourself

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Well I've just finished eating and about to go shopping,, I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving day today,,and for those who don't celebrate I hope that you all had a great day too,,, I'm done eating and I'm stuffed and lazy,,so let's see if I can go stand in line to buy a bunch of shit that I don't even need lol,,have a goodnight Facebook,,,Oopps I meant to say Goodnight CC :biggrin::biggrin:::)


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