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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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1 minute ago, tamani said:

l'ascenseur va sur la terrasse 

The terrace?
If I do not have bad information, this house, what would be the terrace, is at the height of the road. But I have no idea, I'll have to give me the coordinates of google, to see the outside of the house.

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6 minutes ago, ed2 said:

Parece haber un piso debajo del nivel más bajo.

I've never been in that area, so I have no idea how the house can be. but I do not imagine, so it seems that there is a basement, if the level of the bedrooms is below the level is the street.
It's like having a second level, and as you can see, the Level 3 level, both the double room, is lower than the pool and a little lower than the living room and the level of Karol and the other girls, is even lower ,,,
A third lower level? It would be under the Hall ... and without knowing, I repeat, I do not imagine what kind of windows it could have.

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il y a 7 minutes, vortios a dit :

La terrasse?
Si je n'ai pas de mauvaise information, cette maison, quelle serait la terrasse, est à la hauteur de la route. Mais je n'en ai aucune idée, je vais devoir me donner les coordonnées de google, pour voir l'extérieur de la maison.

c'est une maison à toit plat le niveau de la route c'est la chambre des jumelles et l’ascenseur débouche sur la terrasse accessible 

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4 hours ago, Kkru394 said:


They also installed dark shades for the windows. Hopefully those are so RLC can install the yard and pool cams without shutting down the apartment.

good call, i hope its true.  i was wondering why there was no sunlight outside the living room double doors to the terrace- patio.

i looked at the twins hall (stairway) and there was bright sunshine on the pool...that twisted my brain....

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