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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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17 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Siempre puedo estar equivocado MikeLima ... ¡siempre! Las probabilidades están a mi favor, desafortunadamente para ti y para otros. Solo piense en todo el dinero que la gente ha desperdiciado por tan solo un puñado de espectáculos dignos a lo largo de los años ... ¡increíble!

The shows "worthy" to remember, as you say, are not scarce, but could be counted on the fingers of one hand ... perhaps some more in the years that other people follow the houses of Barcelona ...
The truth and truth, is that I think, that the houses, and I mean Barcelona, are not or were not born with that thought, likewise that the houses of couples, their main strong point, is the sexual relations of the couple, in Barcelona He was not born that way. At least, when the house began to be "only" of girls.
As time has shown, the issue was not that the girls brought children to the houses, or there were great massages that ended in sapphic games, but that it was used, when the attention to the house in Barcelona fell.
Girls' houses alone, they give what they give. In fact, there you have the two houses that are in Moscow, so it seems, have not achieved, or by far, the amount of followers that can have the Barcelona.

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il y a 24 minutes, HarleyFatboy a dit :

Je peux toujours me tromper MikeLima ...... toujours! Les chances sont en ma faveur mais malheureusement pour vous et les autres. Il suffit de penser à tout l'argent que les gens ont gaspillé pour juste une poignée de spectacles digne au cours des années ...... incroyable!

chiffre d'affaire estimé (une moyenne sur trois sites spécialisés) 6 000 000 $ société basée dans un paradis fiscal

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3 minutes ago, tamani said:

chiffre d'affaire estimé (une moyenne sur trois sites spécialisés) 6 000 000 $ société basée dans un paradis fiscal

I don't doubt it!!  It's a money maker for sure and I contributed heavily over the years but not anymore.  I will never pay for another voyeur/porn site ever again.  There is just too much free stuff out there and you don't have to wait day after day to get it!!

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4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Io non dubito !! E 'un creatore di soldi di sicuro e ho contribuito pesantemente nel corso degli anni, ma ora non più. Non potrò mai pagare per un altro sito voyeur / porno mai più. C'è solo troppa roba libero là fuori e non dover aspettare giorno dopo giorno per farlo !!

yes but you do not find girls doing Christmas packages while customers would like to lick their pussy and use the dildo !!
hurray RLC

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