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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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To just hear and see you Leora enjoy when you now just had sex with your loved Paul in the bedroom, is quite lovely to take part of. Sleep well once you fall asleep, you lovely Leora. We will be by your side when you wake up in the morning. ✨??

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1 hour ago, The Big Lebowski said:

Oh please just tell me that she read us... LEORA I LOVE YOU!!! I WOULD COME EVEN IN  BICYCLE  TO YOU!!! JUST ASK!!! :heart:

Most people just use a condom but I suppose a bicycle is an alternative LOL

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4 hours ago, West_California said:

so, you know her screen name ?

I would think that anyone who has her "screen name" would sensibly keep it to themselves, the girl has had to put up with too much abuse in the past on this forum from trolls. If and when she comes on the forum she would probably sign in as a guest.

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29 minutes ago, joeybaggs said:

She may prop her Ass for the Cam for the whole world to witness. What we have to remember, it's all show. Entertainment at it's best, for most of the people here. Paul is her security blanket, at the moment, (anything could change) So, I would suggest, not to express too many dislikes of him, or you may find out the hard way and NOT from me.19.gif.595a418b1ad62ad25cdc5f68a0ffa3e1.gif

My bad, I meant exactly that I was enjoying the show. What I should have said is I couldn't care less about what Paul is doing, in the sense that whatever it was, it was invisible to me. I could only see Leora's show.

I meant no depreciation of Paul; in fact I admire them both for being able to do what they do. It takes two to play that game...

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