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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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Well now she has rerobed after just giving me everything I could have ever wanted (well within bounds - clearly I would like to substitute Paul :biggrin::dodgy:) from her. I have to relate an only slightly sad tale.

17:56:13 my connection cut out and didn't return until 17:57:05

Fortunately although this was in mid pink, she still had a lot left to show us.

At the end when she wascarried away, the cushion put in some blocks, there were a couple of very brief freezes and the logo got in the way :angry: - only joking we are very grateful to see anything, ESPECIALLY THIS - but come on I am going to wax lyrical about this one for a while. A couple of weeks ago I said PERFECTION could only be improved on if she turned over. I think she thought about it a couple of times before finally going for it and it was GLORIOUS.

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If there were any doubts about who is the legend of RLC, The Goddess ended them today. Without her would this site even exist or would it be probably a year behind where we have reached? No matter what anyone says, she grew RLC and continues to be its greatest attraction. To do that she has to be on freecam so she doesn't make people subscribe so much but would a lot of those people even be here if not for her? I know I wouldn't.

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2 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Si había alguna duda sobre quién es la leyenda de RLC, The Goddess los terminó hoy. Sin ella, este sitio siquiera existiría o probablemente estaría un año atrás a donde hemos llegado. No importa lo que diga, creció RLC y sigue siendo su mayor atracción. Para hacer eso ella tiene que estar en cámara libre para que no haga que la gente se suscriba tanto, pero muchas de esas personas incluso estarían aquí si no fuera por ella. Sé que no lo haría.

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, amigo. Leora es un claro ejemplo de lo que es RLC y siempre ha sido desde sus comienzos, "la vida en directo".

No como los nuevos apartamentos Premium, que es un espectáculo erótico previo pago, formado por actrices mas que por personas. Donde su única intención es dejarse ver frente a las camaras de pago, no hacen nada gratis, lo tienen muy controlado. Solo les importa el dinero $$$

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3 minutes ago, peking said:

to think I missed this one :sick:

A fortnight ago I entirely missed perhaps her greatest GR escapade. All I had was some still thumbs on Replay and a brief climax video. That's all. I'll never see it now :cry: and imagine how if felt when I lost my connection today. I feel for you, brother.

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57 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

To do that she has to be on freecam so she doesn't make people subscribe so much but would a lot of those people even be here if not for her. I know I wouldn't.

And just in case RLC are reading this, I have spent many hundreds of my own pounds on you, so it worked.

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