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Maya & Stepan - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2017)


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I like it that Stepan has the black and white little cat on the couch behind him as he's on the computer. Cats can be great little buddies when in need. My cat was comforting for the 20 years I had her. I keep watching this Maya and Stepan stream... i really wish i knew why. What am I waiting for? If something happens, do i really want to see it? Answer is probably no. I used to wish for a way to contact the "cammers" but over the years, that would be a complete mess for what RLC is doing. We get what we get. End of story. I do realize they do look at this camcaps at times, i've caught them doing it as well and don't blame them. I have to applaud them all really - to have your life every single day for YEARS , wow, that takes guts and I can't even imagine how it alters you. I see them have fun with us at times, which is always fun, but if I was in school again, I would find this one topic to definitely write on. I just wish RLC would lower their price to 25. They do offer us a really remarkable site and its well done. Come RLC. By the way, I used to say, "when will they put some english speaking people on RLC??" and over the years, it's helped me appreciate the Russian language and the other languages here. And to understand mannerisms to the extreme.  My post here is a mess, I had a few drinks... sorry camcaps peeps! :heart:

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Just when I thought I figured out what is going on with these two,...

Both are now in the same apartment (it is evening local time) and they not only have spoken to each other, but shared a laugh.  He's adding some computer hardware (new monitor?) and she's kneading dough.  They are not as communicative with each other as we were accustomed to seeing. But if they end up banging tonight, it's time to throw the baby out with the bath water (as my dearly departed mother would say).

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11 minutes ago, Howard said:

Just when I thought I figured out what is going on with these two,...

Both are now in the same apartment (it is evening local time) and they not only have spoken to each other, but shared a laugh.  He's adding some computer hardware (new monitor?) and she's kneading dough.  They are not as communicative with each other as we were accustomed to seeing. But if they end up banging tonight, it's time to throw the baby out with the bath water (as my dearly departed mother would say).

Wen the passion is gone , better stay friends , or he is from Barcelona ( Fawlty Towers : Manuel)

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The rather obvious answer to this mystery is that Stepan has been working with a science project where he have managed to transfer his consciousness from his brain into another brain, and that the person we saw the other day was indeed Stepan in another body. Now he has transfered back into his old body. He keeps the alternative bodies in his basement (which looks even creapier than his apartment).

But then again, maybe not.. :biggrin:

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So....Maya sitting on the sofa (in panties w/ a guy we think she broke up with) prepping a syringe to shoot into Stepan's back (I assume she's giving him something similar to cortisone). 

Perplexed about these two more than ever.

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