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Angie, Glasha, Sonya - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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29 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

damn is she trying for number four she is a machine :biggrin: edited she is getting number 4

That was abit better, after 3 rounds, they were not hiding as much now, actually without covers alittle while.

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22 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

...with this guy...He's new on the scene. If I watched as little of RLC as you do, I'd find it impossible to comment the way you do on what's going on on a daily basis...You must have a brilliant source of info, who goes meticulously through every department recording shit loads of stuff for you to go through with a fine tooth comb. It must take you ages to wade through it all, and then offer us your constructive criticism, as only you can ...

Glasha will deliver, if her guys happy with it. He's doesn't really need to do jack shit because he ain't getting paid...In my opinion, getting to fuck Glasha is payment enough...:biggrin:

First off Naga,  I do have a source that only keeps me informed of the Barca apartments.  If I ask him about the other apartments, he will also keep me informed about them, but it is very rarely that I ask him about them.  He is a single guy and this is what he does instead of going out and wasting his money on ***** at clubs which are usually carrying a ton of baggage.  He is very meticulous with what I ask him for, he is a great friend of mine and understands me and the whole nine yards I'm coming from.  He is not one of you that find NO fault with anything these princesses do.  That to me, makes a huge difference!!  He only records the Barca apartments for the most part but he does have a couple of other apartments that he likes that he records.  He understands that I could give a shit about any of the couples apartments but due to a few that he likes to keep up with, I'm informed with those if I ask.  Glasha is a typical RLC girl, she knows she doesn't have to show shit and she will continue to live on your dime.


22 hours ago, happyone said:

you can't see anything :dodgy:

No sir I can't.  What is your point?  I can read and I read that it was another tent fest.  Do you have an insinuation with this post?

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2 hours ago, madwolf33 said:

i noticed that RLC took alot of cams down. well this one should have been taken down also. i watched a snail cross my steps today and it was better than anything i seen here yet

All the Cams are still there. They just have a New Interface for their Webpage.

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4 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

You say that you have a woman but there is no way in hell that your relationship with her is solid.  If it were, you wouldn't spend the amount of time on a fucked up website like RLC!!!  Sorry if I hit home too much there, but I'm tired of getting attacked by you people!!!

Thousands of guys on here are in strong relationships Harley, but we are all slightly odd in that we are voyeurs...I've been married for 34 yrs and I love my wife...

Enough of that anyway, I'm gonna watch Glasha fucking her guy uncovered again...:biggrin:

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