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Viki & Kate Part #1

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6 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Oh for sure, but this is pretty serious. Even still, you're saying that you wouldn't do a little research and find out on your own?

Of course I would, but this is what I was trying to say in first post, in situation like this when your daughter or son is adult end independent from you, the room for maneuver is very small. You can ask and try to find out, but actually that's all you can do.

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18 minutes ago, waldi said:

Of course I would, but this is what I was trying to say in first post, in situation like this when your daughter or son is adult end independent from you, the room for maneuver is very small. You can ask and try to find out, but actually that's all you can do.

And that was what i said 

5 hours ago, Sparkles said:

I doubt it too... but well who knows... 

One thing i know for sure, if i know my daughter lived in a house full of cameras broadcasting.. i would like to know what is the site and what is happening there..


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25 minutes ago, Jeka&co said:

I met these girls one year ago. They are together about 6 years and are independent very long time: they travel together, go to work together in other country. I think that parents of girls are accustomed and agree to this.

In this case they have no other choice :rolleyes:

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10 hours ago, Amy3 said:


Hehe,all masseurs do that butt thing etc like he did...i say just like Amy..seriously!?Probrably this events are the reason the house it's offline right now(cams not working),dad must return to the task of cool dad and nothing more..

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25 minutes ago, catalonia said:


Has VHT given any explanation of why is the apartment off line?

i don't know but they had better fix the problem as they are being overtaken by betty & carrie & chloe & lisa/grant activities & a & a's new guys! competition for views is getting tougher!!!!:biggrin:

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13 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

i don't know but they had better fix the problem as they are being overtaken by betty & carrie & chloe & lisa/grant activities & a & a's new guys! competition for views is getting tougher!!!!:biggrin:

Hep,agree golfer,think the "tec problem" it's more that than any other thing,some people sayed that the desert place for most of day was because it was Saturday,Sunday..well Monday was the same thing,and then the girls apear tired when they comeback,house started great but soon looked more and more an Jeka place..meaning for exemple empty houses for long periods.Hope when the "tec problems" get resolved some routines are changed.Place and residents have potencial.

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8 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Hep, de acuerdo golfista, creo que el "problema tec" es más que la que cualquier otra cosa, algunas personas Sayed que el lugar desierto durante la mayor parte del día fue porque era sábado Sunday..well lunes fue la misma cosa, y luego las chicas apear cansados cuando regreso, comenzaron casa grande, pero pronto se veía cada vez más una place..meaning Jeka para Exemple casas vacío por mucho tiempo periods.Hope cuando los "problemas tec" se resuelven algunas rutinas son changed.Place y los residentes tienen potencial.

You're absolutely right, those long absences and that fatigue they show when they get home is also strange.

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