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Viki & Kate Part #1

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6 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Dad is really killing that place and he's bad for their relationship too. Doesn't he have a place to live and stop lurking around there?

That he is. They were starting to get cosy in bed before being interrupted by a phone call and then he arrived :sad:.

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22 hours ago, Amy3 said:

I sent them an email to asking for them to help the poor puppy.

Thanks to you all for reporting this little unhappy puppy's  problem to the adminis.  This puppy was not cared about since he was 

brought into this appart. He was never carressed ( maybe once in a week).always pushed about. I hope they are all doing there best to save the pup.

I hope that the adminis will let us know about the little pups latest state. I am so glad not to see that pup in that appat.

Thanks guys for all. 


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2 minutes ago, sabrina said:

Thanks to you all for reporting this little unhappy puppy's  problem to the adminis.  This puppy was not cared about since he was 

brought into this appart. He was never carressed ( maybe once in a week).always pushed about. I hope they are all doing there best to save the pup.

I hope that the adminis will let us know about the little pups latest state. I am so glad not to see that pup in that appat.

Thanks guys for all. 


Thanks for being so nice and being concerned about the poor thing. Unfortunately the Camarads forum is no more. Its a shame they decided no longer provide support here and have fun with us. Welcome to you here. You might wanna check out VH one day. Interaction with members here is much better than at Camarads. 

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Really boring,it's just foot massages and talking,this place passed from fun,sexy to boring routine.For exemple first day the girls kissed Izzy and was an sexy vibe and feel lots of things could happen,now look at it.To bad.

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4 minutes ago, catalonia said:


I subscribe to VHT for this apartment and I'm already regretting it, I do not think I'll renew the subscription

It's an Totaly mistake to subscribe VH for an Jeka house..believe me,only good house in my taste was,is violet&jeff,and pavel&alice are ok but super routine in things,the rest..Sandra and serge..lasted about one,two months..Jeka itself in his place was An week out and An day in..look what happen to Freddy place..and most of all..the worst house and residents ever in an cam site..the Nothing's.Thank god there is other reasons to pay for VH,good houses with great residents.

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4 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Es un error total suscribir a VH para una casa Jeka ... créanme, solo una buena casa en mi gusto era, es violeta y jeff, y pavel y alice están bien, pero súper rutinarias en las cosas, el resto ... Sandra y Sergey ... lloraron sobre una, dos meses ... Jeka en su lugar fue una semana y un día adentro ... mira lo que le sucede al lugar de Freddy ... y sobre todo ... la peor casa y los residentes en un sitio de cámaras ... el Nothing's.Gracias a Dios hay otras razones para pagar VH, buenas casas con excelentes residentes.


I am attracted to lesbians, but this was not what I expected

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16 minutes ago, catalonia said:


Me atraen las lesbianas, pero esto no era lo que esperaba


The house has plenty of dad and girls, although they are attractive (particularly Viki), they are a little flat, they lack a point of passion, at least for my taste

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2 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Dad is really killing that place and he's bad for their relationship too. Doesn't he have a place to live and stop lurking around there?

Couldn't agree with you more, this dad/perv/pain in the ass is ruining this apartment he needs to stay away otherwise this apartment now is a no go which is a dam shame as it got off to such a lovely start.

He will also ruin this relationship although i am sure Kate has more problems than she is letting on i think which we all don't know about.

A shame as when they are in sync and harmonious they are a lovely couple of girls.

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