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Viki & Kate Part #1

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14 minutes ago, catalonia said:

Viki is a lesbian and I am straight, Viki is a hairdresser and I am bald ... My heart is broken

now you've got the answer in case someone ask about her occupation :biggrin:

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2 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Wow wheres all the action gone? 

House started great and with days passed got worst(in my taste),seems that "tec problem" make dad to be more absent after it and mom never showed again,so basicaly almost nothing happen.

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They need vikki a lot more present,also others guests for weekend from time to time,some kind of party or something,and this absent of the dad and mom doesn't benefiate them in my opinion.In first days watch them a lot but slowly they got desestering to watch.Manager should fallow others managers exemples and see that it's important to have things well tought and adapt house and residents as possible to situations(If and when needed).

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