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Leora & Paul - General Chat Topic (Jan - Apr. 2018)

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17 minutes ago, Iwishicould said:

Naturally I would bow to your knowledge regarding these postings Alma, but human nature being what it is, and with the greatest respect to your views, I would imagine that It does indeed matter to people like Leora who is regarded as  " Queen " on the forum, One of her best assets has always been her vanity, it's a vital part of who she is, and although it is not a competition and there are no prizes, there is always a persons pride, self esteem and vanity at stake. 

She has survived in this business for so long because in many people's minds she is the best, and she takes great pride in what she does ( and why shouldn't she ) and I would imagine that she is fully aware of people's feelings and thoughts regarding herself,indeed, it probably amuses her sometimes, and conversely infuriates her at other times. 

So... #1) Leora never asked to be called "princess" or "queen" or "goddess" or whatever else people like to call her. Not saying she may or may not be flattered by it and I do agree she has a bit of vanity to her but she has her fans and more importantly she knows she has her fans. That above anything else is what gets her going. Sometimes I think you people give these girls these ridiculous pet names in some weird way to make yourselves feel better, like you're doing your job to make them feel better, or it could just be for some sort of weird attention.

#2) Survived in this business? How exactly does one survive on RLC? Maya went about 6 months without having sex at all with Stepan before she started bringing home her new boyfriend. Daniel and Adriana was on here almost 4 years, hardly ever got any attention, never did anything even remotely exciting (not even once... in FOUR years), and was one of the most boring couples ever to set foot on an RLC cam. If there was any criteria for "surviving", it must pretty damn low. Or maybe it's just non-existent.

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Although recent occurrences that have been mentioned and pondered upon were undoubtedly interesting, imo, there seemed to be an absence of intensity towards any final resolutions of either of the occurrences, or at least as not as has been previously. Some may be curious as to what may have been any possible reason(s) for this, when taken into consideration an amount of time which has elapsed since the last occurrence which seemed evident of an intensity towards the final resolution of personal satisfaction and contentment. Now the time is moving into a weekend where the residence will be likely vacant a good bit, possibly half or more of the time, and is likely that not much of interest shall occur over the weekend anyway. :dodgy:

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58 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

So... #1) Leora never asked to be called "princess" or "queen" or "goddess" or whatever else people like to call her. Not saying she may or may not be flattered by it and I do agree she has a bit of vanity to her but she has her fans and more importantly she knows she has her fans. That above anything else is what gets her going. Sometimes I think you people give these girls these ridiculous pet names in some weird way to make yourselves feel better, like you're doing your job to make them feel better, or it could just be for some sort of weird attention.

#2) Survived in this business? How exactly does one survive on RLC? Maya went about 6 months without having sex at all with Stepan before she started bringing home her new boyfriend. Daniel and Adriana was on here almost 4 years, hardly ever got any attention, never did anything even remotely exciting (not even once... in FOUR years), and was one of the most boring couples ever to set foot on an RLC cam. If there was any criteria for "surviving", it must pretty damn low. Or maybe it's just non-existent.

As mentioned, it's an opinion, no more no less than your good selfs,. By survive I meant to continue with the huge fan base she has, I don't think it particularly matters the amount of sex that occurs, that is a bonus, but many people I believe are intrigued by her as an interesting and sometimes complex human being.

I didn't give her the name Queen, other people have referred to her in the past as Queen, Goddess, and whatever, I merely used the term that she has been previously called in establishing her rank as the persieved top girl on RLC. 

She dosen't have a " bit of vanity " as you refer, she has it in bucketloads. IMHO

As mentioned before, I respect everyone's  point of view, Like yourself I may not agree with it, but that's what opinions are all about.

Enjoy your day .🙂

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1 hour ago, CrazyDude said:

Leora is also a reader of camcaps. We have seen her in the past make very angry comments about those who insist on defaming those she loves, especially about both Paul and her father. Many of us long timers have been privileged to watch and enjoy her sexual awakening. Its been a pleasant experience. I recall with true boner fondness her first time masturbating on camera. Love you Leora. Come to America!

I too have had the privilege of watching her since she started, and it's been an immense pleasure watching her evolve. And yes she has been extremely vocal in the past,with good reason I think.

As an aside, why on earth should she "come to America"  she would still be unobtainable. and she seems to be doing OK where she is.🙄🙂


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5 hours ago, Iwishicould said:

Naturalmente, me inclinaría ante su conocimiento con respecto a estas publicaciones Alma, pero siendo la naturaleza humana lo que es, y con el mayor respeto a sus puntos de vista, me imagino que sí le importa a personas como Leora que es considerada como "Reina" en el forum, Uno de sus mejores activos siempre ha sido su vanidad, es una parte vital de lo que es, y aunque no es una competencia y no hay premios, siempre hay orgullo, autoestima y vanidad en juego. 

Ella ha sobrevivido en este negocio por mucho tiempo porque en la mente de muchas personas ella es la mejor, y se enorgullece de lo que hace (y por qué no) y me imagino que está completamente consciente de los sentimientos y pensamientos de las personas. con respecto a sí misma, de hecho, probablemente la divierta a veces, y, a la inversa, la enfurece en otros momentos. 

Nos guste o no, siempre habrá opiniones de las personas que abarcan toda clase de temas en la vida, y Leora no es una excepción, las opiniones de la mayoría de las personas en este foro no son rencorosas o antagónicas, sino simplemente una visión subjetiva.

Puedo estar completamente equivocado, pero esta es mi opinión humilde y honesta.

¡Paz! Que tengas un buen día, Alma. 🙂 Siempre disfruto y respeto tus puntos de vista.


Por supuesto que Leora (como tod@s) son conscientes de lo que hacen y de lo que muestran, por eso están ahí. Aparte de ganar dinero lo hacen porque les gusta, llámalo exhibicionismo, morbo, etc... O simplemente su fantasía sexual; De que todos la miren mientras hacen el amor o se masturba (¿porque no?). Son libres de hacer lo que quieran y me parece estupendo, que cada uno haga con su vida lo que le de la gana. 

Lo que me vengo a referir, según he leido en varios comentarios de aquí (que cada uno es libre de decir lo que quiera, faltaría más), es que parece que las chicas estén obligadas a mostrarse, a tener sexo o a masturbarse delante de las cámaras, como si de una competición se tratara; Para ganar seguidores, para ganar premios al mejor culo o la reina de RLC. Que lo quieran pensar así, me parece perfecto, pero no se ajusta para nada a la realidad.  

En RLC no están obligados a tener sexo (de ningun tipo), ni siquiera a mostrarse desnudos, lo hacen porque les apetece, porque quieren y porque de otra forma sería prácticamente imposible llevar una vida normal. Lo único que les exige, es que hagan su vida normal en el apartamento, como si las cámaras no estuvieran. De hecho, han habido casos en RLC donde la pareja se ha llevado meses sin hacer nada (de sexo) y han seguido en el apartamento durante años. 

Esto lo digo por experiencia, no es opinión personal, es porque conozco a una antigua inquilina de RLC (la de mi foto de perfil), que estuvo conviviendo con las cámaras durante años. 


Saludos y buen dia, amigo. 


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