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Nina & Kira - General Chat Topic (2018)

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all right, a little question.

It is no secret I am a big fan of the two cats. Has anybody already been able to tell them apart? Is it always the same one that sleeps with N&K, whilst the other sleeps on the couch (whether or not with Doe-Eyes)?

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Having not seen what the ignition point was, these two are once again having a "psychological" moment.  Nina in a quasi upright fetal position w/ Kira nurturing & comforting her.

Sorry - can't be sympathetic towards these two (especially Nina). If it's not a new tatt, then she wears odd fashions each week.  Changes her hair style/color just as often.  She (Kira), in a better mental state then Nina, needs to "man - up" and get her the help she needs.  Again, not sure why Nina is in this state (doesn't appear to be anything more then typical psychological misbehavior), but her meds are not doing what they are suppose to do. It's frustrating seeing someone fall apart w/o guidance to getting better.

Yes, this is what RLC is all about.  But the next time someone reminds me of that, they deserve a vaudevillian hit on the head with a frying pan.

OK...I'm ranting a bit and now Nina on the floor throwing up (I'm more confused as they have untouched dinner on the table).  Is she drunk?  Sick? Overdose??  If this 'situation' wasn't an ongoing problem, I'd be sympathetic.  But the girl needs help!!


Postscript: If she's drunk, Nina knows damn well meds and booze does not mix. She deserves feeling like crap. And if Kira had the knowledge that Nina was drinking (knowing she takes meds), then Kira has blood on her, too.  


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