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Nina & Kira - General Chat Topic (2018)

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Il y a 2 heures, likidamber a dit :

J'avais tort. Je pensais que DE a obtenu un billet aller depuis le canapé. Peut-être un grand concert le week-end a provoqué un tel changement. Ne jamais dire jamais - rappelez-vous ce

Les relations entre ces 3 filles sont complexes.

DE est la fondatrice de leur groupe musical avec Nina. Elle en est la gestionnaire. De plus, contrairement à N&K, c'est une excellente musicienne, elle a un très bon niveau de piano. Je pense  qu'elle doit amener beaucoup dans la créativité du groupe. Nina amène sa voie, DE les mélodies.

L'aspect sentimental entre les 3 est ce qui provoque les clash. DE est amoureuse de Nina et évidement Kira ne l'accepte pas. Quand elles ont fait leur 3some Kira a quitté car la relation Nina DE prenait le dessus. Puis Nina et Kira ont préféré écarté DE sentimentalement tout en lui permettant de rester dans l'appartement. Une espèce de règle s'était mise en place, quand DE était sur son canapé, N&K n'avait pas de sexe dans leur chambre. cela était pourtant arrivé une fois, et DE furieuse avait aussitôt quitté l'appartement, c'est Nina qui l'avait aussitôt ramenée. 

DE a ensuite était écartée de l'appartement suite à un clash qui s'est produit malheureusement en dehors de l'appartement; il semblerait que leur relation a de nouveau évoluée ...

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Nina , Kira and DE's relationship is very strange. I remember not long ago that Kira and DE were flirting with each other. At least it seemed.
Anyway, I think she's (DE)important to Nina. As musically as a friendly one. No matter how much they argue, they always reconcile. So I think she'll still be a lot on that couch.😄

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The same in English, sorry for my English 😋

The relations between these 3 girls are complex.

DE is the founder of their musical group with Nina. She is the administrator. Contrary to N&K, DE is an excellent musician, she has a very good level of piano. I think that she brings a lot in creativity of the group. Nina brings her voice, DE the melodies.

The sentimental aspect between them causes clash. DE is in love with Nina, and of course Kira does not accept it. When they made their 3some kira left, because the relation Nina DE got the upper hand. Then N&K preferred to seperate sentimentally of DE but they allowed her to stay in apartment. A kind of rule had been organized, when DE was on the sofa, N&K had no sex in their room. However it had once arrived and DE furious had immediately left the apartment. It is Nina who had immediately returned her.

Then, DE was moved by the apartment further to a clash which occurred unfortunately outside. It would seem that their relation again evolved...

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DE and Nina are not musicians by education. Higher universities with other profiles finished. But DE definitely plays  better a piano and maybe he can arrange songs. Kira is not a musician, she has other artistic talents, but sometimes, as she is alone, she plays the drums, the guitar and even sings.
In my opinion, it was not one wrangle  between DE and Nina. It was the whole process of various events that led to serious conversation on the couch. But I agree. DE is important for their band, besides DE  has known   Nina  for years , so there is also sentiment. But now clearly Nina emphasizes that her relationship with DE is only professional. And she probably wanted to show Kira last night. And Kira is simply afraid of the relationship between DE and Nina, she feels threatened

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Il y a 11 heures, likidamber a dit :

DE et Nina ne sont pas musiciens par l' éducation. Universités supérieures avec d' autres profils terminé. Mais DE joue certainement mieux un piano et peut - être qu'il peut organiser des chansons. Kira est pas un musicien, elle a d' autres talents artistiques, mais parfois, comme elle est seule, elle joue de la batterie, la guitare et même chante.
À mon avis, il n'a pas été une altercation entre DE et Nina. Ce fut tout le processus de divers événements qui ont conduit à la conversation sérieuse sur le canapé. Mais je suis d' accord. DE est important pour leur groupe, en plus connu Nina DE a depuis des années, il y a aussi le sentiment. Mais maintenant clairement Nina souligne que sa relation avec DE est seulement professionnelle. Elle voulait sans doute montrer Kira hier soir. Et Kira est tout simplement peur de la relation entre DE et Nina, elle se sent menacée

I agree with you on many points. If I am novice on this forum, I am not novice on RLC and I followed closely this apartment.

A few months ago, I was lucky to listen DE playing the piano, what is rather rare because she does not often play in the apartment and I guarantee you that she had a good academic training. Nina and Kira are self-taught and they have more difficulties with their instruments, but that has no importance, as you say it they have other talents, and the main thing it is they believe in what they do, and I do not doubt their success.

On the sentimental side it is more complex. Nina and Kira form at the same time an extraordinary and rather ordinar couple. For the sex, Kira behaves as a "man", for the everyday life, it is Nina who behaves as a man (who did not evolve😊) Kira makes practically quite household chores (cooking, wash, cleaning…) Nina participates very few. She is the diva who likes being served and adored. In this couple, this way of making works, but it look fragile…

As for the relation Nina DE, I do not think that it is now strictly professional. If DE is back in the apartment (even temporarily doubtless) it is not certainly thanks to Kira and not certainly to paint some balls. I think that this relation Nina DE is very complicated, from where doubtless the anxiety attacks of Kira which have really never stopped, same after the departure of DE …

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8 hours ago, pierrecaty said:

I agree with you on many points. If I am novice on this forum, I am not novice on RLC and I followed closely this apartment.


A few months ago, I was lucky to listen DE playing the piano, what is rather rare because she does not often play in the apartment and I guarantee you that she had a good academic training. Nina and Kira are self-taught and they have more difficulties with their instruments, but that has no importance, as you say it they have other talents, and the main thing it is they believe in what they do, and I do not doubt their success.


On the sentimental side it is more complex. Nina and Kira form at the same time an extraordinary and rather ordinar couple. For the sex, Kira behaves as a "man", for the everyday life, it is Nina who behaves as a man (who did not evolve😊) Kira makes practically quite household chores (cooking, wash, cleaning…) Nina participates very few. She is the diva who likes being served and adored. In this couple, this way of making works, but it look fragile…


As for the relation Nina DE, I do not think that it is now strictly professional. If DE is back in the apartment (even temporarily doubtless) it is not certainly thanks to Kira and not certainly to paint some balls. I think that this relation Nina DE is very complicated, from where doubtless the anxiety attacks of Kira which have really never stopped, same after the departure of DE …


You have many ration. . Nina wants to show her behavior that her attitude towards DE is only professional. But she not can erase years of connections and maybe feelings. KIry's problems are not just Nina  - as everyone she  has problems at work (it was last) and family problems. But since DE's departure her mood is much better. We can not talk about a lot of things in public, we like girls and we protect their privacy. We only talk about what we see and can only be speculated privately. Now they have a concert at the weekend, getting ready for it. It's not just painting balls. I think Nina wants to have control over what DE does. Nina emphasizes the distance

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The friendship that has lasted for years can not be forgotten. There will always be memories there. I think Nina also feels that. Even if she is angry with DE or hate each other in the end they will find a solution and everything will be fine. Because friendship means that. Good and bad times. Good and bad things.

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48 minutes ago, likidamber said:


You have many ration. . Nina wants to show her behavior that her attitude towards DE is only professional. But she not can erase years of connections and maybe feelings. KIry's problems are not just Nina  - as everyone she  has problems at work (it was last) and family problems. But since DE's departure her mood is much better. We can not talk about a lot of things in public, we like girls and we protect their privacy. We only talk about what we see and can only be speculated privately. Now they have a concert at the weekend, getting ready for it. It's not just painting balls. I think Nina wants to have control over what DE does. Nina emphasizes the distance 

Absolutely true. People have work and family problems. But if Kira trust Nina better, then she would not have to worry about her relationship. Anyway, Nina does nothing but proves her love for her.

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25 minutes ago, Thomazz said:

The friendship that has lasted for years can not be forgotten. There will always be memories there. I think Nina also feels that. Even if she is angry with DE or hate each other in the end they will find a solution and everything will be fine. Because friendship means that. Good and bad times. Good and bad things.

I think that Kira also feels it. That is why she is often afraid of losing Nina. Nina now takes great care that Kira nie has grounds for anxiety. They just love each other.

A lot has changed in this apartment.

The cats, as always, wonderful. 

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