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Stella & Stephan Part #1

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4 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Haha yes that would be a gangbang for me :biggrin: About the #noBraRule: Lena did not uses views because she was naked it was because she did nothing else interesting.

I am pretty sure less clothes or naked  + interesting things get more views than more clothes + interesting things :biggrin:

So in reference to what is suggested, the first official VH gangbang was with Terry, since there was complete penetration of she with the three others: Dean, Alex and that guest that we did not name him.:my:

The in-picture examples for Anna's project only stood in controlled peer-to-peer exchange. Even when it was with Dean & Candy, Rex & Danna and Alex & Anna.

And since Anna and Bree are out of the field, now the ball to be overcome is at the foot of Misty (which I doubt much) or more right, on the feet of Betty or Mira ....

Unless we have surprises here with Stella or who knows with Zoi (and Tim) lol:biggrin:

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35 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Still TMC :angel:

If they fix the light and placement of activities (according to camera angles). They have every chance. They do not need to walk naked. Why does Misty keep hight interest for six months? Because - as she constantly movement, new people, hot fuck.

At them for three days - every day have visitors. Yesterday and today - this can even be called a party. Choose from new people and parties is a winning strategy.

BUT! There is red line. For example, Anastasia&Rock and old boys - crossed red line. Each party ended with an alcoholic coma and drunken bodies asleep in the apartment. From a certain point, subscribers (who are not on the forum) hang a label - nothing at home. Even if they see a party - they know that it will end with nothing and go to next apartment.

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