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I'm Done!


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Hello All,

I have given this much thought and I have decided to leave this "BS" forum.  The mods and the people that suck up to them have ruined what once was a good forum.  Unless you are a member of the chosen few club on this forum, you can not say what you think or believe or speculate about the tenants (Barca girls, I could care less about any of the other tenants) of RLC without getting bashed and harassed by the mods and the people that control them.  This is STRICTLY a one way forum, it's either the mods and the people that control them's way or it's the banned way.

The girls of Barca are pretty to look at but you all know what they do when they leave the apartment!!  I won't miss reading positive post after positive post on those girls with the sole purpose of hoping that they will show you just how big of sluts they can be.  I won't miss reading positive post after positive post on these girls so that they build tents in your camping area.  It's all because you fucking idiots believe that it buys you something, that they will do more because lord knows they don't do shit 95% (and I'm being nice with that percentage) of the time they are in the apartments and when they do, they laugh in you all's poor pathetic faces!!

I will miss very few of you on this forum.  The euromike's, happyone's, snakeaters, vlkvlk's, and so on, I could care less about!!

StnCld316 all I ask is that I be given the time to go through my PM's and keep the things that I want to keep, and after that I will be asking you to delete my profile.

Thank You!

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I think you did write some things just to provoke sometimes, and that is a reason so many work strongly against you. I'd often like to see you alittle more diplomatic, but if you rather choose to leave, I want you to know this: without you, I had likely left CC very early. You were always good to me, and supported me in times when no one else did. I appreciate the conversations we've had... Thank you very much Harley!

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3 hours ago, ed2 said:

I think you did write some things just to provoke sometimes, and that is a reason so many work strongly against you. I'd often like to see you alittle more diplomatic, but if you rather choose to leave, I want you to know this: without you, I had likely left CC very early. You were always good to me, and supported me in times when no one else did. I appreciate the conversations we've had... Thank you very much Harley!

I'm a straight up kind of guy Ed.  There are no gray areas with me Ed and some people have a hard time dealing with that but they will always know where they stand with me!!  A lot of the posts that I have made to this forum, had to be toned way done because of the sensitivity of the members and where they stand with girls that most of them will never meet in person.  I know that some have met some of these girls and if that's what puts lead in their pencils then more power to them!  I don't have a diplomatic bone in my body unfortunately but it hasn't hindered me from making a ton of friends throughout my life.

Thanks for the compliment with you not leaving CC and sticking around!!  I consider you a friend and I can take the good with the bad things that people say about me on here so no worries there.  We did have some good conversations and I appreciate you for that!!

It's going to take me some time to get all that I want to keep from my PM folders so I will be here for a while yet until that gets done.  I don't live on CC anymore like I used to and have other things pulling me in different directions.......hell, I just spent over 4 hours at doctors offices lol.

I do want to say thank you for always being honest with me and telling me goodbye!!

Take Care,


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You and I have shared many things but UNFORTUNATELY is was never with a fine cigar or an exquisite brandy!  You always new how to keep me grounded and I appreciate that very much!!  I know I say things on this forum that tends to tick people off, but it's the only way I know how to be.  You know that and you get me and thank you for that!!

"The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving."  You know me and you know that these words could never be more true.  I appreciate your wisdom and forethought and always being there when I needed to vent!  You've always gone out of your way to provide some great and interesting videos to this forum that should make people want to say hmmmmmmmm........as if they were never something to have been thought about!!  Your time alone in making those videos, should be highly praised!!  Keep picking them up and putting them down my friend!!!

Your friend, Harley

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Dear, Harley, i broke my silence because of you,and please forgive me when i say the next of this part ,harley may i do not know you Closly, perhaps we did not meet in each other on this forum in any day,and maybe we will not meet each other in any time .. !!
But your post strongly influenced me,it touched my heart deeply, because your words come from the path of truth and truthfulness, and it's add to friendship,
Actually maybe i envyed you, because you have many friends who loves you, and  they do not want you to leave this forum,
i hope you will hear the echo of their hearts. and the voice of their feelings !! But, if you left you have the free choice and also you have own the decision to you, but i loved to share you  this moment we hope You may be deeply distressed in your decision after seen how much from  loving here  !!
And be surely you seen how much your friends loves you .. 
finally,also frankly, i some of that kind of person that's who did not so likes that sense to in the any moments of farewells or hear that one of them will leave,it's just am not good enough for these moments  !!
 so,i wrote to you some simple words and i hope to stay with us like light in our hearts and the moon that lights in our skies .. !!

Do not leave..!
Fear will kill our feelings .. !!
and sadness will,
Reside in our hearts .. !!
and black clouds will
imprison our spirits .. !!
Do not go, please ..!!
Rain drops will,
come down from our eyes .. !!
You will see the tears,
of angels in our eyes .. !!
and the screaming,
of our feelings will fill the sky .. !!
Do not leave, we begged you .. !!
if Harley left us,
our hearts will,
"never wake up"..!!
if fatboy leave us,
you will see our tears,
in eyes of all humans .. !!
Signature:ooopel  {Gift to you Harley}:heart: with hope you will  to take  the right  decision after that.. 

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Dear ooopel,

I am not all that familiar with you on CC and for that I am sorry!  I appreciate the kind words and thank you for the compliment.  I really don't want to leave but the mods of this forum and some of the members leave me no choice.  It isn't worth the banning, it isn't worth the headache, and anymore the posts from the guys that are controlling this forum is for sure not worth reading.  None of the real things can, nor are, ever discussed.  It's a one way street and that streets name is "Praise The Girls"!  Sorry, but that's just plain sad and quite frankly, very boring.  People want to hear the truth and it goes unspoken here!!!

I think the RLC Replay feature has hurt this forum in more ways than one.  To the point that none of the strange things that happen with the Barca apartments or KK&K for that matter ever get reported......NOTICE,  that is only 3 apartments I'm talking about.  Not to mention it has changed the way people used to view RLC 24/7.  Now people leave and actually get out more because from the sound of it, Replay is pretty reliable except for a few glitches every now and then so they just catch up on replay instead of sitting at their computers all day.  Replay is good for the forum when times are posted of events and it's bad for the forum because people are just not watching RLC live as much or if a certain euro person doesn't want to blow off a date because he thought he was going to miss something, he doesn't have to.  Just my opinion.....worth what you payed for it LOL.

Thanks for the kind words,  Harley

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  • 2 years later...
46 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

you don't know a damn thing about me.  i suggest you keep your thoughts about me to yourself.


While it’s true that other people’s opinions about us don’t matter in the way we fear they might, it’s also true that other people’s…


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2 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

LOL you, along with your buddy Naga and Noldus are on the 99.5% list of people that I don't like on this forum.  Making fun of me after you all had a hand in putting my nose in a corner, I don't need you or your sarcastic humor anymore!!  Do me a favor and stick to your kind of forum people!!


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35 minutes ago, keeper31 said:

So are you leaving or is this a bullshit thread?


7 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

he was leaving 2 years ago 🤣

He created this thread on February 23, 2018--this was the last time he threatened to leave. 

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