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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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3 hours ago, adamneve said:

I look at Monica and wonder if she was a late bloomer in that ..tall and gawky at school.. teased because of her height...probably not in the "in " crowd... then in the later high school years blossomed into the beauty she is.. they all come sniffing around her.. too late.. she's off and out into the world  as this incredible beautiful woman that we see now...:blush:.... just my thoughts  and of course....:biggrin:. i could be absolutely wrong

I doubt if Jasmin(*) was a late bloomer. I imagine she was always beautiful.

* Yes I am aware we are talking about Monica and girls can obviously grow into their looks.

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My Belle:heart: and Ravishing Rosie:biggrin: are never going to be quiet and are animated as Rosie unpacks. A few things got stuck together which annoyed Rosie and she gave a KitKat to Belle which seemed to have some significance. Rosie also has a framed photo but I didn't see who was in it. Belle has put panties on for the experience. LOL

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Max,,, I'm not trying to be mean to you or treat you bad in anyway,,,but your comments simply don't make any sense,,,that's why we either think that you are joking or just making up stuff to be mad about,,,,,,in the entire history of CC,,I have never heard anyone complain about too much masturbation before,,,and then you say that you would rather go watch Chaturbate instead of RLC because they have too much masturbation?

You are a very confusing guy,,, I don't know maybe I'm missing something,,,, if they were fucking a lot on RLC in every Apt would that piss you off too?


15 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Yeah but it's free :dodgy:


15 hours ago, maxfactor said:

If I haven't spent any money to look at Masturbating at Chaturbate, but I must at RLC then who is the stupid one?


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