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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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2 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Big O, para Monica - y gracias a que la cámara 12 funcionó bien ....;)

It seems that you have had enormous luck, that most of the clients have not had ... you are a person with a lot, a lot of luck.

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Just now, sisco813 said:

RLC auront plus de clients en replay 

RLC is lucky with the girls, they have some wonderful moments, when the cameras, bad luck, stop working (and it's not just because of this afternoon), but that encourages many customers to leave a few extra dollars to take the reps ...
The business sounds round.

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3 minutes ago, vortios said:

How many times, and sometimes, the same thing happens?
Is it a means to take repetitions? But it is ... My God, what a bad luck RLC has with its premium clients. When the girls are hotter ... the cameras tend to break ...
Is not that coincidence?

you 100% right I think there server is slow when lots of people watching same cams same time . I complain so many times 

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à l’instant, vortios a dit :

RLC a de la chance avec les filles, ils ont des moments merveilleux, quand les caméras, la malchance, cesser de travailler (et ce n'est pas seulement à cause de cet après - midi), mais qui encourage de nombreux clients à laisser quelques dollars supplémentaires pour prendre les représentants .. .
L'affaire sonne ronde.

ca fait 5ans que je suis abonne a RLC et je pense que si ca se produit trop souvent j irai voir ailleurs

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Just now, vortios said:

How many times, and sometimes, the same thing happens?
Is it a means to take repetitions? But it is ... My God, what a bad luck RLC has with its premium clients. When the girls are hotter ... the cameras tend to break ...
Is not that coincidence?

When the Girls get Active and do things worth watching it generates more people watching the same feed. When lots of people watch the same feed it interferes with the Bandwidth and creates buffering issues.  Since RLC has their Video at 1080p it takes a lot of Bandwidth to keep the feed streaming. If they were to cut it back to 720p it wouldn't use as much Bandwidth and the Stream would flow smoother.

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il y a 1 minute, StnCld316 a dit :

Lorsque les filles se active et faire des choses vaut la peine de regarder il génère plus de gens qui regardent la même alimentation. Quand beaucoup de gens regardent la même alimentation interfère avec la bande passante et crée des problèmes de mise en mémoire tampon. Depuis RLC a sa vidéo en 1080p, il prend beaucoup de bande passante pour maintenir le flux streaming. Si elles devaient couper revenir à 720p il ne serait pas utiliser plus de bande passante et le flux coulerait plus lisse.

je pense que rlc avec l argent qui recupere sur les clients doivent avoir les moyens de trouver une solution

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2 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Cuando las chicas se ponen activas y hacen cosas que vale la pena ver, genera más personas viendo el mismo feed. Cuando muchas personas miran la misma alimentación, interfiere con el ancho de banda y crea problemas de almacenamiento en búfer. Como RLC tiene su video a 1080p, se necesita mucho ancho de banda para mantener el flujo de la transmisión. Si tuvieran que reducirlo a 720p, no usarían tanto ancho de banda y la corriente fluiría sin problemas.

These are just technical problems, which I do not think people are interested in talking about at the moment, but you know, we do not see directly from a server, but the original signal is distributed among different servers, a person from the USA, is not seeing the images of the same server as in Barcelona, or in Australia, that's why sometimes there are divergences.
In fact, and it's weird, but I could get to see, and I mean, it's weird, but technically possible, that you saw two servers at the same time, where the images had a time difference. That is, see the same camera, but with two images out of phase in time.

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