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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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Would love an house for the three girls(jas,rose and belle),they are good friends,get along nice,are pretty and fun,and have no problem doing things on cam,bet would be an great place,if the other three(Angie,Glasha,Sonya)for some mistery reason have an nice big place why not this three girls.

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12 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Would love an house for the three girls(jas,rose and belle),they are good friends,get along nice,are pretty and fun,and have no problem doing things on cam,bet would be an great place,if the other three(Angie,Glasha,Sonya)for some mistery reason have an nice big place why not this three girls.

I would love it if My Belle:heart: and Rosie would bring others back - so far only the DJ and his mate - Jasmin would need to bring her BF though which could work and she might still play with Rosie. I think though for Belle she would need to be near clubs. it would be interesting to see which sex Rosie and Belle brought back. I wnder what suddenly switched Rosie and Belle on. Did Rosie persuade Belle to start drinking again (*) or did Belle just decide to stop fighting against who she is and hit the party button? 

* Never saw any pressure on Belle when she wasn't drinking but the first time I saw here was with the Tequila in Nica's room and suddenly Belle became her wild self ... not that she's not lively when sober but with drink we see something extra.

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il y a 4 minutes, BBsq69 a dit :

J'adore la façon dont Jasmin, Rose et Belle sur les noms prononcent des autres filles. Oui, il est pire quand ils sont ivres, mais je ris presque chaque fois que je l'entends



comme ils hurlent où qu'ils se trouvent dans la maison.

Je pense que les couples utilisent-il vraiment des noms et quand la Déesse appelle, il est normalement

Yevan!  qui est bien sûr Eva , mais peut - être avec son accent , il sonne toujours comme si elle ajoute un « n ». Ne suggère pas que le chien a un faux nom LOL , mais les noms de la Déesse et Paul sont constamment utilisés.

Hi BB me too I laugh especially with Belle who calls Jasmin kim kardashian...428773FB00000578-4716082-A_new_look_Kim_..... I do not understand why ..:angel:................ On the other hand. I do not think couples use their real names, Ex Chloe & Tyler or Kitty & Smith, but maybe I misunderstood your post
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5 minutes ago, martyen said:

other hand. I do not think couples use their real names, Ex Chloe & Tyler or Kitty & Smith, but maybe I misunderstood your post

I thought they did as it would be very difficult if they had friends around. Anyway Leora and Paul never use their RLC names.

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