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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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6 minutes ago, Fagen said:

That was quick for Nica to return to b3, guess she missed Amina to much. I think she will be going there a lot.

I think they have been a whole load of cock-ups by RLC here. If you are going to bring your BF then you should be in B3. Jasmin should have been there and quite rightly Amina is there now. But because Amina was there Nica got used to being with her instead of the other girls. Now Tiana seems separate from the rest and doesn't like a great choice although it is very early days. Meanwhile Belle has had to share a room her entire stay despite the occupants of the 3 single rooms being very fluid since Karol and Bea left. Jasmin clearly wanted to be in B4 so why did they put her in B2? So many odd decisions but it does depend on how much RLC or whoever runs these places knew of the girls' plans. I don't really buy that both Jasmin and Amina both didn't know they were going to bring the BFs - one I can maybe but both is stretching credulity. 3 or 4 days maybe even a week if he is well behaved should be the absolute maximum for a BF.

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