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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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23 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

I got A Bonus from my Insurance company because I was hospitalysed for 11 days :  at $40 a day makes $440.

I don't think RLC gives Bonuses for that LOL. I hope you have recovered from whatever it was.

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Very quiet day. My Beautiful Belle:heart:'s most clothed day during this stay by a long chalk. I think she might have decided to give others the chance at the limelight. The more she rests, maybe the more lively she shall be when she wakes.

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11 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

Poor Belle is all alone in this big house   BBsq69 you should go and keep her company.

Actually My Belle:heart: had an opportunity to make use of that bath, put some music on and give us some great views of her dancing. She's only been in it three times I think once with The Twins and Avi (although I may have imagined that), once with Bea and Avi in which she was largely hidden and finally a much sexier bath with Leia with lots of dancing, booty shaking and spanking which would have been great if it had not been dark.

This was her big chance for a solo bath show but she was too tired. And of course there are other things My Naughty Sexy Belle:heart: could have done :biggrin::biggrin: - her new hobby for instance :biggrin::heart::biggrin:

I guess by keeping her clothes on, she is UnpredictaBelle:heart:

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7 hours ago, Kkru394 said:

They’ve had a pretty bad month.  Outside of the long threesome that didn’t completely materialize at Eva and Sam’s and the guest girl at Lana’s at the beginning of the month it’s been slow. No parties anywhere since New Years and to me the girls vacation place won’t be better until the twins leave and they get the outdoor cams RLC promised.

Maybe RLC stopped payng Bonuses so they all went silent.   :biggrin:

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Sometimes I really have to wonder If I'm watching the same RLC as some of you,,,, or is it the fact that some of you are just simply hell bent on always just saying negative things just to start flame wars on here. This current cast is one of the best we have ever had in Months or even years,,and yet here we go again. I would say what I really think but my comment would get deleted.:dodgy::dodgy:

2 hours ago, Mikelima1970 said:

even if the girls go out we do not have much difference here.
lately this site is a penalty.
I'd like to recommend a change of course to RLC.
and also to close those apartments that are now useless


6 hours ago, thomas979 said:

besides karol and her guy that new place has been total dud, i figured nicole would have a guy over by now, i don't know why rlc must keep giving us gina we have seen enough of her, some of the older couples don't seem be doing well never see anything out of a and d, d and r, one good thing i have noticed leora and paul seem be doing better 


8 hours ago, Kkru394 said:

They’ve had a pretty bad month.  Outside of the long threesome that didn’t completely materialize at Eva and Sam’s and the guest girl at Lana’s at the beginning of the month it’s been slow. No parties anywhere since New Years and to me the girls vacation place won’t be better until the twins leave and they get the outdoor cams RLC promised.


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