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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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2 minutes ago, Fairy said:

Are you sure it's in the boots?

Monica is becoming my favourite in B2 and B4 right now...I love Sofie, but I'm finding that I'm being drawn more to M right now...She's pretty sexy, tbh, and she's new to me as I never saw her 1st time here...I also believe she's changed since then...:heart:

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5 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Monica is becoming my favourite in B2 and B4 right now...I love Sofie, but I'm finding that I'm being drawn more to M right now...She's pretty sexy, tbh, and she's new to me as I never saw her 1st time here...I also believe she's changed since then...:heart:

I too prefer Monica to Sofie. And I too did not see Monica the first time, so we discover her together:biggrin:

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