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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

I think the day after a party is often very quiet. However it was a pretty quiet party with only Jasmin really waking up and at least getting topless. Given the nudity of most girls during the day it does constantly surprise me the girls are so restrained nowadays. Obviously we see more interesting things happen when 2 or 3 girls drink but with 6 or 7 girls together then people seem to hold back more. It is a shame compared to how it was a year ago. 

and what was exiting Party :-) all with grandmothers underwear  LMAO

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29 minutes ago, Nick said:

No way she cane be Irma , Yes she dose have fun but the end she stops she get chickens out runes all the fun , I remember  when she was first time B2 she starts something with the oder girls  the end she stops continuing the fun

Well there is that aspect to her. She just has her limits as does My Belle:heart: since the party era. Apart from that one night in bed with Jasmin she and indeed Belle have probably gone as far with each other as they have with anyone else. Of course a lot more went on when Polya and Lola used Rosie as a pillow. However it is early days of this stay and we don't know how far Rosie will go if she gets in the mood. 

I do remember when she and Belle brought the 2 blokes back, while Belle changed into almost nothing, Rosie got more and more "tired" and reticent eventually going to bed. The second the blokes left she was high fiving Belle and suddenly wide awake. Maybe a strategy but I do think more went on that night maybe just with Belle than we saw but that happened outside so I better not speculate more.

The next night Angel was much more involved and again Rosie was very much in the background with Belle playing hostess but nothing happened then and they never came back.

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