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Foxy, Kira - Part #1

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3 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

You're right golfer, things have gotten a lot more personal on here from when i first started coming on here a little over a year ago. That said, the tenants back then we're a lot less contreversial. I think the first real negative thing I saw was Alex abusing Anna and everyone was on board that was completely wrong and he was an asshole for doing it. The first real dispute where people we're going at it was the Rex and Dana travesty. We went back and forth for days on that, and in the end we all agreed to disagree and moved on. Like todays incident, why can't we all disagree with whatever, have our say, and then move on? Getting personal doesn't change anyones minds, and really like you said is kinda killing the fun i believe we used to have more of on here. Lets make our points about an issues on here we see, maybe debate it, not get personal, and then agree to disagree and move on. I think some of the S & m, and bdsm or whatever it's called I  think us wrong, and very upsetting to me in some cases, but I know some don't, I won't change their minds by saying something, so I move on to something else that I enjoy. Like I love to watch couples doing their daily thing and then going at it in a hot and sexy way, I was called weird by some for likeing that, Like it was something that I shouldn't be seeing or something, well thats voyeurism isn't it? Having disagreements and debates on here is some of what makes it interesting. If we all agreed on everything it would be boring as shit. I saw all this going on with the drug use in the apartments, saw it getting kind of nasty, and i left. 

You hit the nail squarly on the head Ash, there's enjoyment to be had from VH and the following discussions that can be had on this forum. The attacks towards other cc members is causing a very unpleasant feeling and has likely dissuade others from joining in on the fun. And to be very honest there are times that the amount of mud that is getting slung by a word that then gets turned to suit another persons narrative is absolutly ridiculous. I am for to try and get back to the good old days where you could come here and chew the fat with like minded people and have a constructive debate with respect for others without the need to keep repeating the same old dribble over and over again.

The thing is everyone has there own point of view and own set of values to what is and isn't acceptable, sometimes I also think that we tend to push our own ideas onto this site and forget that we cant always hold up our own society standards to other countries as being correct or incorrect, yes we may not like it by all means have your say but then move on.

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2 minutes ago, darkpyker said:

there name got removed 

That happened hours ago,it the usual thing in VH when something like this happen,recent places were George and Mary and Dean,both got names removed,then returned next day.

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1 hour ago, ashleyxyz said:

Really ze?! Who was on top when you posted this!!?? Lol

:blush:Serena of course was on top,she loves to take the control,and fine with that,lovely girl but she it's killing me hehe..but...lovingggg it:biggrin::biggrin:.

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4 minutes ago, turkey said:

I have fun reading all this comments of a group perverts talking over morality like a priest . It is what it is . No drugs ...in the open !!!

Haha! "Yeah, she might teenage prostitute, that's fine with me, in fact I kinda likes it, but drugs? Hell No! I'm a fine upstanding fella and although I don't care if I'm watching teenage prostitution, I do draw the line at grown adults choosing to do drugs!"

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15 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

You're right golfer, things have gotten a lot more personal on here from when i first started coming on here a little over a year ago. That said, the tenants back then we're a lot less contreversial. I think the first real negative thing I saw was Alex abusing Anna and everyone was on board that was completely wrong and he was an asshole for doing it. The first real dispute where people we're going at it was the Rex and Dana travesty. We went back and forth for days on that, and in the end we all agreed to disagree and moved on. Like todays incident, why can't we all disagree with whatever, have our say, and then move on? Getting personal doesn't change anyones minds, and really like you said is kinda killing the fun i believe we used to have more of on here. Lets make our points about an issues on here we see, maybe debate it, not get personal, and then agree to disagree and move on. I think some of the S & m, and bdsm or whatever it's called I  think us wrong, and very upsetting to me in some cases, but I know some don't, I won't change their minds by saying something, so I move on to something else that I enjoy. Like I love to watch couples doing their daily thing and then going at it in a hot and sexy way, I was called weird by some for likeing that, Like it was something that I shouldn't be seeing or something, well thats voyeurism isn't it? Having disagreements and debates on here is some of what makes it interesting. If we all agreed on everything it would be boring as shit. I saw all this going on with the drug use in the apartments, saw it getting kind of nasty, and i left. 

Wow! Ash
So I am also strange, because I like (and I have already stated this here before) to see the sex, What we have before it leads to sex and especially what we have after what led to sex.

The so-called "farce" of real life that so many now focus in our midst, point are evident precisely in this points.

The curious thing is that we have yes, farces,

motivated or not. But we also have "real life" and that goes unnoticed by much here that only focus on these "key moments" acting as cast and stage directors.

I agree even more with what you said. Look, criticize productively and move on.

Ana and Alex? Happy and with a son on the way.
Dana and Rex? Goal hit and we never saw it again here.
And his mark of more than three hours (almost four) or five if we add the preliminaries before and the first round, is still unbeatable today. With all the slaps on Dana's face, Da?

And for my reference, I did the homework and went to inform me about BDSM and master vs. slave relationship,

I saw that it is much more complex and involves a lot more points than a simple face slap,
So much for the one who gives (who is the real "victim") as for the one who receives it that in fact is who has the factor of domination there.

Very interesting reading if you look for it.

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10 minutes ago, ze81 said:

:blush:Serena of course was on top,she loves to take the control,and fine with that,lovely girl but she it's killing me hehe..but...lovingggg it:biggrin::biggrin:.

You do realize that Serena is still watching you ze. :biggrin:


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Just now, thedbear said:

Please Kamy's Syndrome (Kamila) here in VH, no .... please .....

Hehe,no horries we just playing,I like Serena as much anyone that also likes her,if one day she leaves(for any reason)I will be sorry but other will come..and if that one also leaves...gess what..other will come,Serena,Ary,Nina,Mel etc are Just lovely But Just residents and guests that will come and leave.Fine with that:cool:.

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