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Stella & Stephan, Evi & Alan

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On 4/9/2018 at 2:28 PM, Just In said:

It has been mentioned before that this forum only represnts a small fraction of the VHTV customers and so it could be that there are people actually watching, for this I don't know what the viewing numbers are but it is always something to keep in mind that what is present here isn't always a true reflection of what VHTV see's in there stats.

You are so correct, I counted the other day the active participants who contribute on here and only used 2 hands lol. There must  be 1000's who actually subscribe to VHTV so any opinion on here is really irelevant 😁 certainly not a fair judgement.

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16 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

Pretty weird bruise on her knee



I'm telling you that it is difficult mothering dragon's. 😁

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