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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (April 2018)

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Justo ahora, winnlove dijo:

Tiana de B2 !!! Sofie y Naomi hijo Muy cerrado y muy atractiva  Entre las Suyas .. 

Certainly, if it were not, because we know that they are not a couple, nobody, without knowing, I would say that they do not have a couple's behavior.
As you say, their games seem very closed between them.
Tiana, in that sense, would have nothing to say, since they would not let her in.
That's why I said before, that Sofie, or Naomi, would have to open the game a little so that Tiana feels comfortable and does not seem "a mere spectator of what happens in that bed".

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il y a 1 minute, vortios a dit :

Certainly, if it were not, because we know that they are not a couple, nobody, without knowing, I would say that they do not have a couple's behavior.
As you say, their games seem very closed between them.
Tiana, in that sense, would have nothing to say, since they would not let her in.
That's why I said before, that Sofie, or Naomi, would have to open the game a little so that Tiana feels comfortable and does not seem "a mere spectator of what happens in that bed".

Tiana sa place est à B4! Pas à B2! Ca fait 3 jours et 3 nuits dans la semaine qu'elle est à B2! Sofie et Naomi avait commencé un truc bien (se caresser mutuellement), et Tiana est arrivée, tout a capoté, à cause d'elle!

Sans elle on aurait vu un moment historique, je pense dans RLC avec Sofie et Naomi dans le même délire, dans la même idée de se faire et donner du plaisir!! A cause de Tiana, rien de tout ça ne se fait.

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