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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (April 2018)

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4 minutes ago, happyone said:

Well not entirely--they can be seen far away from cam 4-1 sitting at that table 

It's still too bad .. RLC disappoints again!
  We don't get information, they can not update the name list and do not mount the camera as promised.

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3 minutes ago, happyone said:

Bueno, no del todo, se pueden ver lejos de la cámara 4-1 sentado en esa mesa 

It is a regrettable error of RLC, another one.
As soon as it gets a little dark, we will see only lumps and shadows, which will not be worth seeing.
But RLC, think with your feet, and do not tell the girls, that this common area is not ideal for a party.

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2 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Aún está mal ... ¡ RLC decepciona de nuevo!
  No obtenemos información, no pueden actualizar la lista de nombres y no montan la cámara como se prometió.

You more than anyone, you know how this works.

And how many times have we made the same play?

How long have the curtains in the living room been opened ... and now, they just closed them, so that you could not see anything from inside ...

Who was that great idea?

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5 minutes ago, vortios said:

RLC is very used to kicking our asses.

Just to hit us in the mouth again and again, and people still do not complain.

I think that I started the complaint corner with this comment

No thanks to RLC for putting up more cams in the backyard like promised

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2 minutes ago, happyone said:

Creo que comencé el rincón de quejas con este comentario

No, gracias a RLC por poner más levas en el patio trasero como prometió

Now, it really is not a good time at night ... let the good weather come, and you will see the girls getting lost in the gardens, and in the areas far away from the cameras at dawn.
And I warned you months in advance.

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8 minutes ago, vortios said:

RLC is very used to kicking our asses.

Just to hit us in the mouth again and again, and people still do not complain.

It won't do any good complaining in the Forum.  Things have to be taken up with RLC Directly through their Support Department. 

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