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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (April 2018)

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6 minutes ago, Fagen said:

Lo siento, no entiendo lo que quieres decir? Algunas personas han dicho que las chicas ahora tendrán miedo de correr así con un tipo en la casa, pero como se puede ver, ese no es el caso 🙂

It's not important.

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4 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

Can't they tell that he is bored and that they are not welcome in the bed, I'm sure he'd rather be with Blair alone.  Letthem go in Nica's room or Living room.

I kind of feel sorry for the poor bast---, having to put up with 6 half dressed silly ass girls 😏

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2 minutes ago, happyone said:

Como que siento lástima por el pobre bastón, tener que aguantar a 6 chicas medio locas y vestidas  😏

For me, it would be worse to put up with six crazy girls ... but naked ... LOL

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