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Nyusha & Ronny, Cindy & Matthew

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4 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Приятно слышать. Вы думаете, что вы можете сделать что-то о плохом качестве этого кулачка? Мы считаем, что у него есть неисправный датчик и должен быть изменен. Все остальные два внешних кулачки в порядке.


Yes, we struggled for a long time with the quality of the camera. Tomorrow, try to put a new one. We apologize for any inconvenience...

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4 minutes ago, waldi said:

технические вопросы , как правило , портит хороший чат  ☺️

There is a deal of truth in it. But now, we can answer your questions.😉

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14 minutes ago, Nyusha said:

Yes, it was really fun! It is a great pity that you missed! And I am very pleased to communicate with you!

The pleasure is mine. Thank you. I'm sorry I missed it, too. I don't think
anyone posted any pics of it, either. I don't recall seeing any.

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6 minutes ago, Nyusha said:

We apologize for any inconvenience...

what a professionals you are, it sounds like my sky tv provider when I have interference while watching  favorite shows 😁

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3 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

Удовольствие это мое. Спасибо. Жаль , что я пропустил это тоже. Я не думаю , что
кто -то разместил ни одной фотографии из него, либо. Я не помню , видя никакой.

Unfortunately, no one took photographs, we would also be interested to see)

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3 minutes ago, waldi said:

то , что профессионалы вы, это звучит как мое небо провайдер телевидения , когда у меня есть помехи во время просмотра любимых шоу  😁


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18 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Well when you calculate with liters and meters and don't use these weird units the volume of the pool is π*r² * the height of it. 1m³ of water weighs a ton. 


Hey, I was fair, I used both units of measure, even though I included
those "weird units" in there. 😁 So, is that a US ton or an Imperial ton?
(Is that what you call it in Germany?) And, what is "r" and what is the
height of the pool?

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23 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

I never understand why people use these weird units instead of the metric system...

I don't see any indication that you're joking, so you know that the US
doesn't use the Metric system of measurement, right? ☺️

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