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Thoughts on Illegal immigration?

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6 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

I am a Mod, I read all the threads when I am online. I will no longer debate this issue with people who do not live with it, or even begin to understand it.

In English WTF are you trying to say?  I'm trying to understand you dude.

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Ok you are a Mod.  We all know that.  If you refuse to comment on this topic since you are so superior than anyone else here, why the hell do you continue to comment?  I''m confused.


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6 hours ago, Maturin said:

Clearly know one knows more than you Mr I got a M.B.A.

Here's my chance to correct your grammar,smart ass. "Know one knows"????   You sure you made it out of kindergarten? You remind of the first class I attended in college.Before the class started I was sitting in the classroom listening to the other students speak to each other,and thought  to myself,"these people sound so much more intelligent than me.What am I doing here?"  But when it  came around to test time I was making As & Bs and those same people were earning Ds & Fs.  They were just good bullshitters like you,but were incapable of original thoughts.

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6 hours ago, rammer said:

When they go low we go high.  I love that quote.

I think that was another lie told by Michelle Obama.  You mean like Peter Fonda saying Donald Trump's son Baron should be put in a cage with a bunch of pedophiles? That's really going high,isn't it?

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On 6/20/2018 at 3:41 PM, Maturin said:

And Darth Tangerine has just ended his own policy of separating families and keeping the children and babies in cages.  The cognitively challenged among you will now praise his humanity for ending the inhumane practice that he started.

You just told another lie.Policy was not started by Trump.Infact,many of the photos of children in cages posted by the news media were taken in 2014.

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