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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic July 2018 #5

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20 minutes ago, moritzmax said:

Jeg ønsker ikke å støte på samme horn som hysteri her i forumet:
Men, er Megan en total fiasko!
Din show med mobiltelefonen er så billig og gjennomsiktig! 😖


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53 minutes ago, moritzmax said:

I do not want to bump into the same horn as the hysterics here in the forum:
But, Megan is a total failure!
Your show with mobile phone is so cheap and transparent! 😖

Amen brother Moritzmax.....when they do that, it is all about transparency!

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22 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Harley, the geography is such that the house is in the hills well above Barcelona, while the apartment is on the beach well north west of the city core. By public transport it's easy to see that it takes time to get there.  Plus, since one would likely have to go into the city and transfer from there...even if it didn't take 2 hrs as you say...GIRLS SHOP.  They meet friends, they do many other things besides service losers.  Plus...B1 and B2 were not all that far apart, but it still took 45 minutes.  So relax, your escort fantasy is a bust.  I've spent time in Barcelona...public transport, driven through and around it.  That's my cred Harley...what's yours?

This is the last thing I'm going to say about this.  The other night 5 girls left to go to a private party.  One girl came home with NEW Apple ear buds and a NEW Apple watch....her name was Mila.  The named Mila girl went out yesterday with Elly and spent all day yesterday out of the house until they finally realized what time it was and came home.  Upon arrival at home, Mila ran downstairs to have a bath and a shave in which the whole time there was someone waiting on her outside the house.  She was in such a hurry there was no makeup being done and she left with wet hair fresh out of the shower.  She left with a pair of blue thong panties and no telling what else that she hid from the camera.  Now, you and I both know that at 10 o'clock at night it doesn't take more than 40 minutes to get from B4 to B2.......hell, just put the car in neutral and coast down the hill and they could have probably made it in an hour!  B4 to B2 is a 40 minute trip unless there are stops made for food and drink.  B2 to B1 was a 15 minute trip unless there were stops made for food and drink.

Now you can sit there and kid yourself all you want, but I believe she was with the same person all day that bought her the watch and the ear buds and she wanted an hour plus of alone time with that person before getting to B2!!  End of story!

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il y a 47 minutes, HarleyFatboy a dit :

C'est la dernière chose que je vais dire à ce sujet. L'autre soir, 5 filles ont quitté pour aller à une fête privée. Une fille est venue à la maison avec de nouveaux bourgeons Apple oreille et une nouvelle pomme montre .... son nom était Mila. La jeune fille Mila nom est sorti hier avec Elly et a passé toute la journée hier de la maison jusqu'à ce qu'ils ont finalement réalisé à quelle heure il était et est venu à la maison. À l'arrivée à la maison, Mila a couru en bas pour prendre un bain et un rasage dans lequel tout le temps il y avait quelqu'un qui attend sur son extérieur de la maison. Elle était si pressé qu'il n'y avait pas de maquillage fait et elle a quitté avec des frais de cheveux mouillés de la douche. Elle est partie avec une paire de culotte string bleu et ne sait pas quoi d'autre qu'elle a caché de la caméra. Maintenant, vous et moi savons que, à 10 heures du soir, il ne prend pas plus de 40 minutes pour aller de B4 à B2 ....... l'enfer, il suffit de mettre la voiture au point mort et de la côte vers le bas de la colline et ils auraient pu probablement fait en une heure! B4 B2 est un voyage de 40 minutes à moins que des arrêts effectués pour la nourriture et des boissons. B2 à B1 était un voyage de 15 minutes, à moins qu'il y avait des arrêts faits pour la nourriture et des boissons.

Maintenant, vous pouvez vous asseoir là et vous leurrez tout ce que vous voulez, mais je crois qu'elle était avec la même personne toute la journée qui lui a acheté la montre et les bourgeons de l'oreille et elle voulait une heure plus de temps seul avec cette personne avant d'arriver à B2 !! Fin de l'histoire!

Merci  Cher Harley,   Meric encore

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

This is the last thing I'm going to say about this.  The other night 5 girls left to go to a private party.  One girl came home with NEW Apple ear buds and a NEW Apple watch....her name was Mila.  The named Mila girl went out yesterday with Elly and spent all day yesterday out of the house until they finally realized what time it was and came home.  Upon arrival at home, Mila ran downstairs to have a bath and a shave in which the whole time there was someone waiting on her outside the house.  She was in such a hurry there was no makeup being done and she left with wet hair fresh out of the shower.  She left with a pair of blue thong panties and no telling what else that she hid from the camera.  Now, you and I both know that at 10 o'clock at night it doesn't take more than 40 minutes to get from B4 to B2.......hell, just put the car in neutral and coast down the hill and they could have probably made it in an hour!  B4 to B2 is a 40 minute trip unless there are stops made for food and drink.  B2 to B1 was a 15 minute trip unless there were stops made for food and drink.

Now you can sit there and kid yourself all you want, but I believe she was with the same person all day that bought her the watch and the ear buds and she wanted an hour plus of alone time with that person before getting to B2!!  End of story!

She went to b2 thats all, I really dont think she was with some dude before going to b2, also she seems more interested in girls. As for the apple watch and ear buds, did you see her unpack it or why do you think she just got that? Yesterday I saw her with the regular standard apple ear phones, and I think she had the watch for as long as I can remember.

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

This is the last thing I'm going to say about this.  The other night 5 girls left to go to a private party.  One girl came home with NEW Apple ear buds and a NEW Apple watch....her name was Mila.  The named Mila girl went out yesterday with Elly and spent all day yesterday out of the house until they finally realized what time it was and came home.  Upon arrival at home, Mila ran downstairs to have a bath and a shave in which the whole time there was someone waiting on her outside the house.  She was in such a hurry there was no makeup being done and she left with wet hair fresh out of the shower.  She left with a pair of blue thong panties and no telling what else that she hid from the camera.  Now, you and I both know that at 10 o'clock at night it doesn't take more than 40 minutes to get from B4 to B2.......hell, just put the car in neutral and coast down the hill and they could have probably made it in an hour!  B4 to B2 is a 40 minute trip unless there are stops made for food and drink.  B2 to B1 was a 15 minute trip unless there were stops made for food and drink.

Now you can sit there and kid yourself all you want, but I believe she was with the same person all day that bought her the watch and the ear buds and she wanted an hour plus of alone time with that person before getting to B2!!  End of story!

You've never even been to Barcelona...I would just quit if I were you.

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3 hours ago, Fagen said:

She went to b2 thats all, I really dont think she was with some dude before going to b2, also she seems more interested in girls. As for the apple watch and ear buds, did you see her unpack it or why do you think she just got that? Yesterday I saw her with the regular standard apple ear phones, and I think she had the watch for as long as I can remember.

OK.....this is where I draw the line with you people!!  You all claim to watch RLC, or do you just watch it for the POD?

The other night when the 5 girls left, dressed like h@@k#@s, when she came home, she was carrying a bag of stuff which she put in her closet.  She couldn't wait until she had any sleep to bring it out, and therefore she brought it out sometime during her very restless morning.  Either pay more attention or quit questioning me.  I already told you that the buddy of mine likes her a lot and he pays close attention to her.  Go back and waste the time if you don't believe me!!  I think I told you the same thing Fagen....pick out a girl and watch her and quit trying to watch them all!!!

Have a good night and quit questioning me!!!!!

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10 minutes ago, Sergio said:

sorry if I go back on the subject, but I can not really figure out where the problem is if a girl earns money making the oldest profession in the world, they are great girls and I can understand and want and believe me, do not need many lawyers defense

Das größte Problem liegt im Kopf des "Betrachters", viele Leben an der Realität vorbei.
Mir ist es gleich, was die Mädchen machen, ich mag sie mehr oder weniger , gelegentlich ärgere ich mich über die "schwache Besetzung" der Appartements.
Ihre Party´s waren schon viel exzessiver - aber wohl auch zu viel mit Alkohol oder vielleicht auch Drogen !?
Ich stelle mal das Original mit ein, Übersetzung verklärt die Grammatik !

The biggest problem is in the mind of the "beholder", many lives past reality.
I do not care what the girls do, I like them more or less, occasionally I get annoyed about the "weak occupation" of the apartments.
Your party's were a lot more excessive - but probably too much with alcohol or maybe drugs!?
I adjust the original one, translation verklärt the grammar!

I adjust the original one, translation verklärt the grammar!

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