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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic July/August 2018 #2

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48 minutes ago, european said:

Paul sleeps he deserves who works as much as Paul has to sleep the poor guy.

Indulge me please european: You obviously dislike Paul with a vengeance for some obscure reason, there you are letting him control your emotions, WHY!! Do you honestly think he or anyone else for that matter gives a fuck what you think of him...he probably sits at home laughing at the futility of it all. Why do you punish yourself so much, if you don't like the guy don't look at the apartment, its simple.......Its because of Europeans like you that I voted to leave the European Union....On your performance I made the right decision I think......The last remark was slightly tongue in cheek 🙄 

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1 hour ago, european said:

jimbo4 You're right I hate this person from the first second be 2013.

Hate  is destructive, let it go, and get on with your life man...When all is said and done he is the one who sleeps with, fucks with, and lives with the woman that most people would like to do the same to, but can't....I believe your hate is motivated by envy....All the more reason to let it go..you can't change what is, and she seems to love him, we may not be able to appreciate the reasoning behind her choice, but that's not our business. Would I like to live with Paul...Nah!!...Would Paul like to live with me.... NO FUCKING WAY!! 🤣 

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