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Scarlet & Garry

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2 minutes ago, mic351 said:

Looks like trying to stab somebody is ok as long as they get the views..:huh::dodgy:

Unfortunately they don't learn with the past... It's at least (that i saw) the second knife attack it happens at VH.. The other one was at George house and nothing happen (maybe the usual fine)

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9 hours ago, mic351 said:

I firmly believe the problem with Jeff and Violet is they had bad management.  Cam placement was poor, lighting was atrious and in the end they were stuck in a shitty apartment in a shitty neighborhood to the extent they were often afraid to even venture out.  That kind of stress, couple with having to live your life under a microscope of cams can only lead to a poor conclusion.  Jeff and Violet had an extremely loyal following and with the right management, (Mira and Henry comes to mind) would have carried the day for a long time..  I didn't notice J&A falling off in views to the extent they were thrown out until they were forced to shared with Alice and whats-his-name and the subsequent removal into that ghetto dump..

Agree,and somehow jeka cats ladies deserved an big nice house,it had been nice to seen j&v in an nice place.

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