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Christopher Columbus


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38 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

The strategy of the hate Christopher Columbus day is simple. Divide and conquer! Separate us from them! It's all done behind a political veil in order to gain political support for the purpose of gaining power. It's pitiful! 

 Never heard of this particular hate day in America but it just sounds rather sad and pathetic that it was brought in anyway. Take this to its natural conclusion and you would ban ALL immigration anywhere just to preserve what some see as the indigenous people but its a bit late for that now i would have said as everywhere has been bastardised by now.. Anyway who are the indigenous people of America?  I suppose one would say the indians and they seem to have been almost wiped out. Still what would i know being of UK origin whatever that may or may not be.

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15 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Christopher Columbus day by people who "care" about indigenous people.


Whether you call it Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day, yesterday holiday churns up a sea of debate that could capsize even the Santa Maria. Columbus never discovered America. If we were to overlook the not-so-minor fact that millions of people were already living in North America in 1492 including all the ethnic groups you pointed out. Columbus never set foot on our shores. October 12th marks the day of his arrival to the Bahamas. He did reach the coasts of what is Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic, as well as explore the Central and South American coasts; he never unfurled a Spanish flag in North America. 

"The trail of tears." "The story of the Native American has been a story marked mainly by betrayal and sorrow." Ever since those white men from across the ocean set foot onto this land, the Native American has lost almost everything. There ancestral lands, dignity, and even there culture have fallen by the wayside. How interesting it is that the people who came to this land first are the ones who have been shortchanged. If you ask me, Wilmer Flintstones discovered America. Or maybe Leif Eriksson, the first European believed to have sailed to North America, having reached Canada 500 years before Columbus set sail to the west. Either way we're here and history has taught us nothing but the guilt of someones past and present. The rest it's a mystery. (IMHO)

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44 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

Good job it is not hate the Viking day.... as they were the first to discover North America... but never new it.

We know now that Columbus was among the last explorers to reach the Americas, not the first. Five hundred years before Columbus, a daring band of Vikings led by Leif Eriksson set foot in North America and established a settlement.

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16 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

 Ultimately, you are the only truth in this world. Well, that, and the actual truth that is one step beyond you. 

Thanks for another bloody novel Amy😍 i new who it was before i bloody read it🤣. I must admit it made a very honest and refreshing read and I commend you on being so outwardly true to yourself. As long as you have a loving family who love you for who you are and a few good loving friends you have it made hun. I have always believed you can generally count true friends on one hand but thats digressing. Having a good sense of humour is also important in this mad and insular looking world. Just carry on doing what you are doing babe and you got it made 💜💜💜 (note the colour lol)

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On 10/9/2018 at 3:29 PM, Amy3 said:

I think it's pretty safe to say that everywhere has been conquered by someone. Even the Indians were territorial and conquered each other for land and resources.

The point is, I'm sick of people claiming to  be proud of something that they didn't do. "I'm proud to be a woman!". Why? Did you get to pick that? Did you and all of the other women get together and do something as a single unit? NO! You didn't! You were just born into it. It's wrong to say, Black people have done this, or white people have done this. A race doesn't do anything, people of that race do, but they don't do anything in the name of that race, only themselves, even if they claim to represent that race. There is no such thing as being a woman or being black other then being the physical attributes of those things. Women aren't born wearing heels and nail polish and black people aren't born (insert black stereotype here). They are just born into a system, a classification or norms and behaviors that we later assigned to them. This idea that because a black person isn't a Democrat; therefore, they aren't black enough is so wrong! The idea that wearing makeup and heels makes you a woman is also absurd. These are all social constructs, but they are not objective truths. 

I am a man. I was born into a body that has many female attributes and I learned to incorporate that into way of viewing my life through a female perspective. It is part of who I am, but it does not change the fact that I am not a female. I merely follow the social constructs of womanliness to draw me closer to that which I long for. I shave my body, I paint my nails, I wear women's clothes, I fantasize about sex with men as a woman, my favorite color is purple. The list goes on and on, but what would make me a woman is truly impossible. Even a sex change doesn't do it. It's still just a pretend pussy. The ultimate expression of a transsexuals longing to be a female. But, it does not make one a female. Myself, I appreciate the cordial response from my friends here who permit me this fantasy. I adore to be referred to as female and treated as such. It warms my heart and makes me feel closer to that which I feel is me. I could go on and on about this, but my point is this. Almost everything you believe in or think is the truth, is only that to the extent that other humans have molded your thinking to believe it is so. All of these things can be changed at a whim and leave you scratching your head feeling lost. 

There are new modes of truth being developed every day. Be skeptical my lovelies! Ultimately, you are the only truth in this world. Well, that, and the actual truth that is one step beyond you. 


Amy, You deserve so much better than what you got. From your words, I feel wisdom that can only come from having to fight for your right to be recognized as female, a raw strength that comes from unabashedly asserting your right to be feminine in an inhospitable world. Peoples first thought shouldn't have been that you're a disgrace or that you're doing this to spite them, It should have been to congratulate you and help you every step of the way. You deserve so much better, and I wish I could help you and be there for you. Everyone should be able to be who they are without judgment. After all this time, why can't some people Learn acceptance? Joey 💜

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Well obviously we have gotten off of the subject of Christopher C, but what the hell.  This is more enlightening

In response and to add to Amy's comments---The most important thing is that we should be proud of is that as a human being we treat others the way that we want to be treated. (Sounds like something Biblical)

If you have not, then you should be ashamed.  Of course you can also be proud of what you have accomplished in life, but the aforementioned is the most important.IMO

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