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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic October #2

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I was just about to say that,,,,karol bated on camera,,,then Mr.Karol came here and had sex multiple times in the bed and the couch.

So he's going to fuck up the cameras after he has already had sex and is about to leave?,,Yeah that really makes a lot of sense,,,,lmaooo!!!ย :biggrin:

4 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Bullshit...Why would he do that after all the great sex we've seen from them!...๐Ÿ˜•
What colour is the sky in your world...๐Ÿ˜


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I heard it was one of the stray cats from B#ย 4 that drove down toย B#1 that bit into the line for Cam 10,,,they were trapped inside the Aptย and wanted to get out,,so they had to create a distraction so they framed Mr.karol by putting the chewed up cables in his hands while he slept.

Those cats did the same thing too when Mr,karol was in B#4,,,,,, I saw the whole thing,,, It was on Replay but it got erased by Garfield.:biggrin:


5 minutes ago, happyone said:

So let me tell you what I think happened to cam 10


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3 minutes ago, jontee said:

no sorry..have not..

Well that's handy. So, back in B4 when it happened NOBODY happened to mention it in a post. And this time in B1, nobody happened to mention it in a post...and I think that includes you, at the time...๐Ÿ˜’

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