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Paisley & Cletus

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

@sr71gn Your personal stuff got caught up in your screen grab. I'm sure we can delete it and clean it up if you want to. Really not a big deal. The girl is does resemble Paisley. 

I don't know exactly what personal stuff I put up

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:
14 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

See now, I prefer to watch them get undressed...and stay that way,
of course. :angel: 😊

That's boring! Lol 😊

Usually, it's not about how the package is wrapped. The best part is
after you unwrap it and see what's inside. 😊

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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I love to wrap presents. In my house, that's my job. Plus, I have very nice writing. So, whenever a card has to be written, that's on me too. 😊

I understand. Knowing you, I bet they look great, too! Do you take
pictures of them like some people do with their food?

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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Yes, they have to be perfect. I'll spare you any pictures. 🙂

If the object is not square or rectangular, I'm fucked though. I hate having to accept a bad job. Bugs me to no end. 


Yes, that makes perfect sense. (See what I did there? 😁) I know what
you mean about rectangular. I'd rather wrap a refrigerator than a football.

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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I cringe at the thought of wrapping a football. By the of it, the words, "fuck it" would be uttered from my mouth. 😬

I am stounded and shocked that isn't very ladylike :biggrin::biggrin: There is a stock reply to that but i ain't gonna make it lol

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

Congratulations Rob! You passed 4000 reps. I hope that I'm responsible for a large chunk of them. 💋


Thanks babe at least half i expect lol and no doubt many more to cum come. Compared with you and Sparkles and many others i am just a mere tadpole in a large pond struggling to grow into a frog lol

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