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17 minutes ago, scutus said:

Not knowing the potential numbers. I will say this. RLC does not have in another single individual in their project who can compete with Leora as a drawing card to enhance viewers to sign up. 

However, I will unashamedly state that I have a very biased opinion of her !!:wink:

Like many of us, although I wonder if its noticeable...Perhaps just a little. 😸

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12 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Like many of us, although I wonder if its noticeable...Perhaps just a little. 😸

Yes Jimbo, it is, just a little !   :biggrin:

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6 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Little One, It seems that Paul is going out for awhile, to compensate us for the major dissapointments and frustrations over the past days, could you make today something special.....Thanks luv. 😻

And she certainly did.....When you're cute like me she will do anything to please......Oh! and I forgot to mention my modesty also. Thanks Little One, you've made an old man very happy. 😻😘

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3 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

.....Oh! and I forgot to mention my modesty also.  😻😘

Your what ?  Modesty, I couldn't find it !

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1 hour ago, scutus said:

Your what ?  Modesty, I couldn't find it !

You have to scratch under the surface to find it....But surely you knew, I am renown for it. 😹😹 

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19 hours ago, scutus said:

Paul found his recently purchased cordless drill to be more interesting.

But, it is very possible it was at Leora's request, and advice.   ::)

I thought it was so weird that he was sitting in the floor taking pictures of it with his phone.  I assumed he was doing a review or something.  

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12 hours ago, european said:

Wo ist Leora immer Nacht jetzt schon 3.Nacht auses Haus .

Bist du eigentlich bescheuert oder was? Du musst doch mal in der Lage sein, zu verstehen, dass es sich bei Leora und Paul um zwei normale Menschen handelt.
Die beiden haben, genau wie wir ein Recht darauf, ihre Freizeit so zu gestalten, wie sie es für richtig halten. Und schreib es dir hinter die Ohren, die beiden sind nicht dazu da, um dich 24h am Tag zu bespaßen.

Du bist wie ein Parasit, der das Forum mit seiner schlechten Stimmung terrorisiert. Du sorgst hier stetig für Diskussionen, in denen dich andere Mitglieder darauf hinweisen, dass es nun endlich mal genug ist.
Deine ständigen Anfeindungen gegen Paul müssen doch selbst für dich langsam langweilig sein.

Leider bringt es auch nicht viel, dich auf die Ignorieren-Liste zu setzen, da es leider trotzdem vorkommt, dass man deine Beiträge sieht, wenn dich andere Mitglieder zitieren.
Ich wünschte, dass der Admin dich einfach sperren würde, damit es hier mal wieder etwas friedlicher wird.



Are you really stupid or something? You have to be able to understand that Leora and Paul are two normal persons.
Both have a right, just like us, to make their free time as they want to. And write it behind your ears, both are not there to occupy you 24h a day.

You're like a parasite terrorizing the forum with your bad vibes. You are constantly providing for discussions in which other members point out that it is finally enough.
Your constant hostility against Paul must be even boring for you.

Unfortunately, it does not do much to put you on the ignore list, as it unfortunately happens that I see your posts when other members quote you.
I wish the admin would just ban you, to make it a bit more peaceful here.

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39 minutes ago, klohn5 said:




Are you really stupid or something? You have to be able to understand that Leora and Paul are two normal persons.
Both have a right, just like us, to make their free time as they want to. And write it behind your ears, both are not there to occupy you 24h a day.

You're like a parasite terrorizing the forum with your bad vibes. You are constantly providing for discussions in which other members point out that it is finally enough.
Your constant hostility against Paul must be even boring for you.

Unfortunately, it does not do much to put you on the ignore list, as it unfortunately happens that I see your posts when other members quote you.
I wish the admin would just ban you, to make it a bit more peaceful here.

klohn5 My friend, stop beating about the bush....why not tell him what you really think. 😹😹👍

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