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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic December #3

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7 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Seems to me like Amira can't sleep well for the past 2-3 nights?

Something on her mind? Maybe she is thinking twice about this project?


Das liegt eher an "ihrer inneren Unruhe".
Die Situation im Appartement befriedigt sie nicht, sie sollte selbst "Hand anlegen" damit sich ihre Situation ändert


This is more due to "her inner restlessness".
The situation in the apartment does not satisfy her, she herself should "lend a hand" so that their situation changes

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they were a mistake B1 made it was to release frank into B1 with powder and that the girl to frank lets him be allowed to go to bed with two of the B1 ladies a big mistake of the ladies in B1

Edited by kase
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36 minutes ago, kase said:

they were a mistake B1 made it was to release frank into B1 with powder and that the girl to frank lets him be allowed to go to bed with two of the B1 ldies a big mistake of the ladies in B1 

Einziger Fehler dieser Nacht war es, das nicht Amanda und Pablo zu Besuch waren.
Da wäre nach meiner Meinung mehr Action.

The only mistake of the night was that Amanda and Pablo were not visiting.
There would be more action in my opinion.

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